Cristina, Sputnik, satellites and weapons


Without reasons or detailed explanations, the political partner of Mauricio Macri in Together for Change, he assured that Argentina “Political alliance” with Russia which does not only include the purchase of vaccines. But in addition, he added unusual guesses about the vice president.

“Russia enters with the old KGB which entered through Cuba, even the old CP (Communist Party) which financed the guerrillas in Latin America, now it is starting again through Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador and all these pseudo-socialist or semi-democratic dictatorships to be geopolitically part of the continent ”said the leader of the Civic Coalition, a member of PRO and UCR.

“This political alliance with Russia is made by Cristina, to the point that she is making an exchange alliance not only for the vaccine, that is to say that she works for Sputnik”, he deduced in front of the TN cameras, and continued: “There is something more serious about this agreement with Russia: it is first and foremost a satellite and it is also the purchase and sale of arms ”.

Agreement Elisa Carrió Cristina Russia vaccines weapons and satellites.mp4

Carrió did not choose to speak on Thursday night by chance. He did it hours before the president Alberto Fernandez and his counterpart from the Russian Federation will officially announce the start of production of the Sputnik V vaccine in Argentina, which aims to develop certain 500,000 doses per week.

the Russian direct investment fund (RDIF) notified on Wednesday that the Gamaleya Center had approved the samples sent by the Argentinian laboratory to Russia last April, an essential step for the start of production.

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