Cristina's decision precipitated the definitions in Kirchnerism


The decision to Cristina Kirchner to run for vice president Alberto Fernández even surprised the kirnerians, some of whom were preparing to go see an inmate in case she did not participate in the race.

The first to announce that he will give up his ambitions was Agustín Rossi, the leader of the bench of the Front for the victory of the deputies. "I already said that my candidacy was subject to what the former president had done," he told C5N. The member was one of the first to be established early last year and is now the first to go down.

The one that has not yet been pronounced is Felipe Solá, who had shown interest in running for president. "I want to be president, but I'm realistic," he said a year ago when they asked him what would happen if Cristina was a candidate. We will have to wait to know your final decision.

Political bombshell: Cristina Kirchner announced a formula as vice of Alberto Fernández

Although some in recent months have indicated that he could be a strong candidate for the Buenos Aires government by his profile, he then downplayed the possibility. "I was already governor, you have to leave the others," he said on that occasion. Solá, who had been with Sergio Mbada After breaking up with Kirchnerism, he again approached the former president.

What they will seek in hard Kirchnerism is to broaden the opposition front and the presence of Alberto Fernández In this formula, it is a nod to those who want to attract Mbada and perhaps some Peronist governors who today make up the federal alternative space.

AF – CFK is the formula that will represent us in the next elections. We will be there, defending the same ideas and values, as always, with applause or with huevazos

– Agustín Rossi (@RossiAgustinOk) May 18, 2019

Rossi asked[ouplusieursfoisunegrandeétaped'oppositionquiaimpliquéautantdepersonnesquepossibleDessourcesdeFederalAlternativeontconfiéàPERFILqu'ellesn'excluaientpasungrandstagiaireayantégalementlekirchnerismeHierlaCordoue[ovariasvecesunagranpasoopositoraqueincluyeraalamayorcantidaddegenteposibleFuentesdeAlternativaFederalprecisaronaPERFILquenodescartanunagraninternaquetengatambiénalkirchnerismoadentroAyerelcordobés[ouplusieursfoisunegrandeétaped’oppositionquiaimpliquéautantdepersonnesquepossibleDessourcesdeFederalAlternativeontconfiéàPERFILqu’ellesn’excluaientpasungrandstagiaireayantégalementlekirchnerismeHierlaCordoue[ovariasvecesunagranpasoopositoraqueincluyeraalamayorcantidaddegenteposibleFuentesdeAlternativaFederalprecisaronaPERFILquenodescartanunagraninternaquetengatambiénalkirchnerismoadentroAyerelcordobésJuan Schiaretti He summoned the governors and Mbada to a big summit to reinforce the alternative route. It will be necessary to see if this decision of CFK modifies the plans of this space. They have not yet commented on this surprising change in the electoral council.

The head of deputies K had already said PROFILE Cristina would have a leading role even if she was not a presidential candidate. His prediction was accomplished. She will be vice-president.

M. C.


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