Criticism of Alberto Fernández in Peru and Colombia for being involved in their domestic politics


Few times before an Argentine government had received as many reprimands from abroad as the current one, even centralized in the figure of the president. Epicenter of mockery abroad, and memes on social networks, it is as if the figure of Alberto Fernández is “For the slap.”

This Saturday, non-central personalities joined these criticisms, but who make noise precisely because of their peripheral position before they were not used to questioning a president as they did now with Alberto Fernández.

“The participation of the international left has been seen so far when we count the votes and some members like President Fernández (of Argentina) have spoken out by proclaiming Pedro Castillo the winner,” said the presidential candidate. from Peru, Keiko. Fujimori, trying to overturn his wreckage. Before, it was the outgoing president of this country, Francisco Sagasti, who He berated Fernández for his expected congratulations to Castillo, who is not an official winner.

For his part, the Colombian Ambassador to Argentina, Alvaro Pava Camelo, said The nation that they did not understand in their government “the useless reaction of President Fernández” when he questioned Ivan Duque for the repression of social demonstrations in Colombia. “Interference, wherever it comes from, is not welcome,” he concluded in line with previous statements by the executive of his country.

Meanwhile, in consultation with Bugle, In the Argentine government, they not only justified but also defended all the acts of the president. For example, they argue that Castillo the right and the Fujimori “they want to steal your votes”.

And they despise the Colombian case of “being a right-wing government”, which can fall at any moment. This is a logic similar to that applied against former Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno. By the way, the Fernández they supported in the campaign the rival of the present president Guillermo Lasso, the correista Andrés Arauz.

Peruvian candidate Keiko Fujimori AP

Peruvian candidate Keiko Fujimori AP

President Fernández had his moment of maximum exposure this week with his presidential blunder against Spaniard Pedro Sánchez. It was with his sentence attributed to Octavio Paz and Litto Nebbia (Brazilians are from the jungle, Mexicans from Indians and Argentines came from Europe, by boat) that he provoked a wave of critical comments in the world. But the president “solved” it by apologizing to Inadi whose interviewed director, Victoria Donda, considered “historic”.

The government appears to be living Latin America in a permanent cold war, a long stretch of the 20th century that ended long ago. But his foreign policy ends up being inexperienced to erratic. It is the visualization of a government with immense internal tensions.

This is the testimony of a president who continues to have several foreign ministers and not one. Let him do and say what he feels without following the advice of counselors, if they exist. But what does nothing contrary to what Cristina Kirchner wants and orders – without her vice being exposed –, as we have seen in the Venezuelan case, in the alliance with China and with Russia.

The list of errors is immense if it starts to be counted since last year when the executives of Sweden, Chile, Paraguay and Spain openly responded to Fernández your bad movies with international comparisons which sought to demonstrate that Kirchnerism had the best health policy to fight against the coronavirus.

During these weeks, the misadventures with Colombia, Israel, Peru and Brazil have been added. Jair Bolsonaro responded with mockery and comparisons with Nicolás Maduro. To all this must be added the injuries opened by the fight between Fernandez and Uruguayan Luis Lacalle Pou for the future of Mercosur.

The balance in relations with the United States, China and Russia is weak and dangerous cards are being played. Chinese and Russians have lobbied to advance the investment program they are considering in Argentina, which they target telecommunications, energy and infrastructure. Alberto F. does not define.

With Venezuela a mediator role is sought, but Argentina does not appear today in any of the dialogue groups. He plays no role, although he seems to grant more to the Chavismo.

North American Chancellor Antony Blinken.  afp

North American Chancellor Antony Blinken. afp

Later, from the Foreign Ministry a version was launched that they could mediate Nicaragua for Daniel Ortega to release his political prisoners from the opposition. Argentina’s real position will be seen in a few days when the OAS Permanent Council votes a resolution condemning the Nicaraguan regime.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.In previous ones, the government abstained. And on Friday, Foreign Minister Antony Blinken was very clear in his appeal to Felipe Solá. He reminded her that for the Biden administration, promoting human rights in Nicaragua as understood by the United States is central, just as they do with Venezuela, albeit unlike Donald Trump. for the moment without pressure on the allies.

Nothing is more precise than another sentence of Alberto F. to define his government, “Argentina is a punk country”, he said in reference to the movement which prays like a mantra: “Everything is today, there is no tomorrow. Everything is in the short term because there is no future “.

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