Criticism of the Avengers – Endgame: the end of an unforgettable cycle


And it must be said that the wait was worth it, not just because the administrators Anthony and Joe Russo They were up to the circumstances in terms of fans' expectations, but also because they managed to get to the premiere with most of the secrets of the script safely (something almost impossible in these times) and with a collection of memorable vignettes in the film.

The film begins a few days after the end of Avengers War Infinitywhen the bad guy Thanos After getting the six "jewels of infinity", he snapped his fingers and reached his goal: eliminate the 50% of the population of the universe. For technical reasons, Avengers they manage to find the villain and start a battle that will end … five years later!

Yes, the action takes a leap in time and shows new versions of these beloved characters, always in look for a solution the tragedy that plagues them, because many of them have lost loved ones in the blink of an eye.


But it is not enough to reveal the complete plot of this film, which lasts almost three hourss, but the tremendous work the production has done to reconstruct the scenes and scenes from the previous films to bring the viewer to a walk through the history of the Marvel film universe.

Plus, there's a whole message that clearly shows that Marvel is entering "the age of diversity" in his films (it's already here)Black Panther","Luke Cage"and soon he will do it"Shang Chi") and empower their heroines As never before, all this at the heart of a monumental battle that occupies nearly a third of the film and reflects as never before the true spirit of superhero fights. It's a moment that all fans of comic books performed by these heroes have waited all their lives, which makes tears in their eyes for emotion, epic and mastery that are the theater. The visual magic reaches, at this moment, a level almost as high as the powers of Doctor Strange.

But when the sound of the battle is over, the most difficult part of the movie may begin: the goodbyes. Sometimes the studio has to renew its franchise, and that's why it's time for them to take charge of all the new heroes, those who appear little by little, interspersed with "heavyweight"Take things to one"end of cycle"The absence of post-credit scenes explains this abrupt end of" phase 3 ", even though it will Spider-Man away from home (Spider-Man Far From Home, 2019) the film that closes it definitively in July.

With him "hype"(As Americans call the high expectations) to 400%, it is difficult to fully evaluate this real odyssey of the film, which has errors among its many successes, which will be hard to match in the future and , of course, we can say that he has reached a place in the pantheon of the genre next to Superman by Christopher Reeve and the Batmanby Tim Burton.



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