Criticism of the Jewish community at the request of the AMIA to no longer investigate the pact with Iran – 02/02/2019


The surprise proposal of the owner of the Argentinian Jewish Mutual Association, Agustín Zbar, who asked the DAIA to relinquish its lawsuit against former President Cristina Kirchner for signing the memorandum of understanding with Iran has caused a lot of pain and criticism. personalities of the Jewish community They badured that the AMIA "has just undergone a new attack, this time moral, against its integrity by the statement of its president".

Constitutionalist Daniel Sabsay. Photo Lorena Lucca

Constitutionalist Daniel Sabsay. Photo Lorena Lucca

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"AMIA's request to DAIA to relinquish its action against former President Cristina Kirchner for signing the Memorandum of Understanding with Iran, constitutes a surprise decision, meaningless and morally reprehensible both to the Jewish community and to the Argentine society as a whole ", badures the statement that aims Zbar.

It is signed, among others, Marcos Aguinis, Federico Andahazi, Alejandro Borensztein, Mariano Chihade, Diana Cohen Agrest, Luis Czyzewski, Josefina Delgado, Liliana of Rice, Caroline de Tella, Alejandro Fargosi, Graciela Fernandez Meijide, Death Marsh, Alfredo Leuco, Diego Leuco, Guillermo Willy Kohan, Santiago Kovadloff, Fanny Mandelbaum, Ricardo Monner Sans, Norma Morandini, Daniel Muchnik, Silvia Plager, Daniel Roggero, Daniel Sabsay, Julian Schvindlerman, Adrian Suar, Patricia Suarez, Martha Diana, Martha Wolff and Ana Gerchenson.

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In the text, they recall that Zbar said "that it is not sure that the memorandum was intended to conceal the investigation of the attack", as explained by the Attorney Alberto Nisman in his complaint. However, they maintain, "Let us remember that this document was declared unconstitutional by the judiciary, the former president and twelve other people of his government." Individuals were prosecuted in a case that was judged orally. Federal authorities of different instances have half the evidence of committing the crimes of which they are accused, that is to say the camouflage of such a brutal attack. "

"It's a statement from a very heterogeneous group, an appeal to conscience, to protest and to our absolute repudiation for an act that we can not understand what happened has made such nonsense, "said the constitutional expert and one of the signatories, Daniel Sabsay Clarín.

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For Sabsay, The attitude of Zbar "ends up being a search for impunity", and he recalled that the attack suffered by the AMIA was a crime against humanity. Therefore, if the DAIA had always agreed to relinquish its legal action against Cristina Kirchner, "the process will continue". In addition, prosecutor Nisman died after denouncing the camouflage of the Kirchner government during the 1994 attack, as part of the pact with Iran.

"It's surprising and I do not find the motivation, being in the middle of the death of Nisman and the most serious terrorist attack against the Argentine society, and this same institution that was destroyed is the one that now demands that it not not pursue its quest for national unity, it's not understood, "says Sabsay.

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Yesterday afternoon, on the website which receives requests from the internet of a civic citizen, reformist, social and in general claiming respect for human rights, it was proposed "that the president of AMIA and all his entourage resign"and in less than half an hour had reached more than a hundred votes for.

Precisely next Thursday there will be a meeting at the AMIA, during which they would demand the resignation of Zbar as president of the mutual. "The big mistake he had made since taking office was to think that it was a political bureau and that AMIA was going to replace DAIA as a branch. of the Jewish community, "concluded Sabsay.


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