criticize Lifschitz for having distinguished Bolsonaro


The Mercosur summit held in the city of Santa Fe has already been the subject of a first controversy. The 51st edition of the traditional meeting of the presidents of the South American bloc is of particular interest because it takes place after the start of the free trade agreement with the European Union. The activity is still at the stage of the preliminary meetings and awaits the arrival Wednesday, July 17 of the Argentine president, Mauricio Macri; the one in Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, Mario Abdo Benítez Paraguay; Evo Morales of Bolivia, Sebastián Piñera From Chile; and Jair Bolsonaro from Brazil.

Just the controversial figure of Bolsonaro was the one that drew a strong criticism from the governor of Santa Fe Miguel Lifschitz, who decided to publish a decree on Monday (No. 1754/2019) declaring him "guest of honor" of the province. The attitude in Lifschitz meant a cataract of critics from various sectors, who see in the Brazilian president "a racist, violent, xenophobic and misogynistic", which is why they do not understand how the representative of a political force socialist who governs under an alliance called The Progressive Front can entertain him.


The most emphatic was Octavio Crivaro, leader of the Left Front, who felt that "it is not a discussion of protocol or ideological differences.It is a person who opposes the defense of the most fundamental democratic freedoms, of cultural, badual and all kinds of diversity ".

To illustrate his point, he stated that "his own son and his security are involved in the political badbadination of the counselor of Rio de Janeiro, Marielle Franco"He also claimed that the right-wing leader" protects gangs of self-defense, justifies the coup of the military state in Brazil and was elected president, putting him in prison without any evidence of any kind whatsoever . " Lula Da Silva", Among other episodes.
"Everyone knows that, from the PTS, we do not support their party (the PT), but we understand that you can not put a person in jail for being a political opponent." The same thing we think about form irregular in which she was despalzada Dilma Rousseff"Add the reference to the left.

Finally, Crivaro said that "even if it's part of five more statements, it's a decree that should not exist." We repudiate it because it's not a problem. It is not a protocol or a diplomacy or an error, but a moral claudication of the Santa Fe government in front of a nefascist right nefarious person. "


At the same time, Lifschitz's environment gave an explanation for alleviating the controversy and justifying the distinction: "All heads of state have a decree, they are all six presidents of democratically elected countries that come to Santa Fe to represent his country ". "This is an ordinary protocol problem that always arises whenever a consul or ambbadador comes in. If you ask me if Miguel will vote for Bolsonaro, I would say no," said a consultant.
Those around the governor were angry at the criticism. "I do not know when it was the last time six presidents came to this province, is not it a lot to be outraged by an identical decree for all present authorities?", They asked.


The other sectors of the left have not taken any price for Lifschitz. Mereces Meier, MPP of the Social and Popular Front baderted that "it is impossible to ignore to distinguish a character like Bolsonaro, by what means is it the form in which he came to power."

Meier felt that "socialism has long made the mistake of moving the formalities before politics, underestimating what Bolsonaro means for South America, or what would be worse, by subscribing to their guest on this land and a political decision, "he said.

The legislator also warned that during the meeting of July 25, he would promote a declaration of repudiation before the lower house of the province against the decision of Lifschitz and the figure of the Brazilian president, a message that will aim at gathering the support of the greatest number blocks possible. . "Not only is he misogynistic, racist, xenophobic and fascist, but he also has a policy of adjustment on his people and kneels before the powers like the United States," he said.

The leader of the PCR also recalled that Wednesday, there will be a march in the capital against the conclave of Mercosur. "In this agreement with the European Union, it remains for our countries a relationship of subjection and asymmetrical exchange, Santa Fe is a key province for the Argentine productive system, and that is why this meeting takes place here, "said the MP. .

The activity will be conducted under the slogan "Together, we are undefeated, for a Mercosur solidarity and participatory", in the framework of what was called the Summit of Peoples, composed of social, political and social organizations. , SMEs and trade unions (including subsidiaries). premises of CGT and CTA) in Latin America. It will be from 9 to 21 in the complex "Néstor Kirchner"of the Federation of Municipal Workers' Unions (Festram), located in the city of Santa Fe.

* Nicolás Maggi is a correspondent of El Destape in Santa Fe.


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