Crocodile tried to swallow drone filming him but something went wrong


Technological advances in recent years have made it possible to achieve unexpected records in the past to achieve the most varied objectives. If we talk about obtaining reliable images of animals with the development of remote capture devices, it has been possible to obtain close-up photographs and videos of predators hitherto impossible to approach.

In this sense, in the last few hours, a video which was first broadcast via the social network TIC Tac under user name Devhlanger. There you can see the strange sequence in which a group of people tried to capture close and reliable footage of a crocodile, but the encounter between the device they were trying to record it with and the animal fell apart. ended in the worst possible way.

Precisely a user of TIC Tac recently shared a recorded video on Florida (EE.UU.) in which we see how an alligator has caught with its jaws a drone which was flying above its head. Quickly, the reptile tried to swallow this species of prey which it destroyed and caused a great smoke.

Crocodile. (Photo: Adobe Stock).

According to the author of the video, the crocodile escaped the incident unscathed and even appeared to be hungry after its exotic prey. Also, catching the drone would not have caused any type of injury to his mouth as he quickly noticed that something was wrong when he started to feel his mouth was filled with smoke and that ‘he was submerged in water.

It should be mentioned that a drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle, which performs its function remotely autonomously at a controlled and sustained level of flight. The technological apparatus presents a wide variety of shapes, sizes, configurations and characteristics. It is generally propelled by an internal combustion, electric or jet engine and is controlled by remote control.

These characteristics make these devices indisputable allies in constant monitoring to know the state and evolution of wild fauna and flora, as well as the possible causes that could affect them. But, they can also become the trigger of an accident due to careless use, as happened in this case where the users did not take precautions regarding proximity to the crocodile. This is because the explosion of the drone could have caused the metal fragments fired at full speed to seriously injure the animal.

Fortunately, this brief encounter between the crocodile and the drone did not cause injury to the reptile, but it could have had a dramatic and reprehensible outcome.


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