Crossroads between Victims' Parents and DAIA for Hezbollah's Statement as Terrorism


Relatives of AMIA attack victims and DAIA leaders have shown the positions found by Mauricio Macri's decision to sign a decree to formally consider Hezbollah as a terrorist group, a few days later. after the 25th anniversary of the attack of July 18th. 1994

In the statements to the program "There will be consequences" by Destape Radio, The head of the government said that the DNU had declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization: "We wait a moment the decree on Hezbollah. Yesterday, Pichetto told us that he was in the business. "Likewise, he said," I do not know what will happen to other organizations. We believe that it is important that Hezbollah, accused of the attack, be qualified as a terrorist. " and stated that "whether Hezbollah is registered or not makes it unsafe",

On his meeting yesterday with the vice-presidential candidate Miguel Pichetto, Knoblovits revealed: "I reminded Pichetto that he had headed the vote on Iran's memorandum to Congress"

For her part, Memoria Activa member Diana Wbadner Malamud spoke about the decree and said, "I am very concerned about Hezbollah's declaration of terrorism. It's a huge thing when a new anniversary of the AMIA attack is approaching"The decree on Hezbollah is an ill-considered decision. They never consult us at all with the relatives of the victims of the AMIA, "he said.

Malamud pointed out that he did not understand "the reason for the decree declaring Hezbollah as a terrorist organization rather than look good in the United States" and stressed that "the disaster in the AMIA attack investigation was not due to a lack of competence, but to a political decision not to know what happened . All the investigation was a real disaster. "

"There was a political use and abuse of the AMIA case, even in electoral terms and never for good, "said Malamud." The fake heroes are built around the AMIA bombing, as Nisman. They did a person who did nothing, who did not investigate anything, "he warned. Likewise, he deepened the fact that "the memorandum, the death of Nisman, is what they have always used".


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