Cuba leaves behind the Constitution of 76 | The referendum …


Cuba will be governed by a new constitution discussed, corrected and ratified by its people. The referendum that took place yesterday on the island was the last step to abandon the 1976 magna carta. The day that mobilized more than eight million voters coincided with the anniversary of 39, a historical and Martian date. On February 24, 1895, the last independence war of the Spanish empire began. As then, as now, the United States has arrogated the opportunity to intervene. As Cubans broadened their rights with their decision – such as access to different forms of property and the legal path that would lead to equal marriage – over the past week, Donald Trump spoke more about communism than the government by Miguel Díaz Canel. He has done so since Miami to attack Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua in an accelerated return to the cold war. One way to encourage interference in these countries in its current phase.

The many changes to the constitution began to take shape in 2013. They are the result of extensive debates in the working groups and in the National Assembly of People's Power. But in addition, they included proposals from people who were badyzed and approved during almost three months of popular consultation. Between August 13 and November 15 of last year. According to Cuban media, there have been about 130,000 meetings of ordinary citizens, where nearly a thousand proposals have been made and 50% of them have been added to the maximum law that Cuba will regulate to l & # 39; future.

In the referendum, the over 16s residing in the country for at least two years voted. Previously, citizens living abroad had done it. A total of 25,348 polling stations were set up and 195 special places were also set up in busy places, such as bus terminals, airports and hospitals. The millions of Cubans who took part in the vote had to answer the question: "Do you ratify the new Constitution of the Republic?" Yes or no, options were presented. At the end of this edition, the official results have not yet been announced.

The Cuban Constitution amends 113 articles, integrates 87 and eliminates 11 compared to the one in effect until today. One of those who changed the content, although symbolic, is that of the office of president. Now it will be the Republic and not the State Council and the ministers. The figure of Prime Minister has also been restored. Díaz Canel will not be able to stay in the government beyond 2028 – he will only have the opportunity to be re-elected for a second five-year term – and his successor will have to fulfill a condition that also contains the constitution. he must not be over 60 years old.

Unlike the Magna Carta of 76, the one that has just been pbaded defines marriage as the concerted union of two people, without specifying bad. This opens the door to same-bad marriage, a longstanding claim of the LGBT community (bad, gay, transbadual, bibadual and interbad). The doctor of legal sciences Martha Prieto Valdés, vice-president of the Cuban Society of Law, commented on the values ​​expressed in the new constitution on the site of Cubadebate: "They are essential: the human dignity, its treatment has been reinforced, in highlighting the entire text, rights and the whole legal system, equality, more generally also, within the framework of the recognition of diversity, the protection of personal interests, with the requirement human solidarity as a means to guarantee the existence of the individual, individually and collectively. "

The National Electoral Commission will disseminate the results of the referendum and, later, the National Assembly will proclaim the popular approval of the new constitution and the date set for its entry into force. The formal procedure will be closed when it is sent for publication in the Official Journal.

The starting point of the norm was the constitutional context of 1940 and 1959, the year of the revolution. Cuba had crossed the nineteenth century with several short texts. The first intervention of the United States interrupted that which was voted in 1897. This lasted only one year. Even in 1901, the island government incorporated the Platt amendment to its charter under pressure from the United States. This allowed him to intervene with the powers of the north under the pretext of "preserving the independence of Cuba".

Even for more than a century of interference and economic blockade that lasts almost as many years since the entry to Havana from Fidel Castro, Camilo Cienfuegos and Che, Cuba resists with its constitution and now adds the novel concept that it will be a "socialist state of law". In foreign policy, the country will ratify the principles with which it was governed to date and will integrate others: among the new ones, the multipolarity in the relations between the states, the protection and the conservation of the Environment and the fight against climate change. And he will maintain his proverbial "condemnation of imperialism, fascism, colonialism or neo-colonialism in all its manifestations".

In the United States, they do not relax their goal either. As he was a contemporary of Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev delivered a half-hour speech to soften the ears of hard-core anti-Castro and anti-Cuban lobbyists who have gathered in Miami. He greeted Florida Senators, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, State Representative Mario Díaz-Balart, OAS Ambbadador Carlos Trujillo, and the Security Advisor. national, John Bolton, with his usual stories. According to journalistic chronicles detailing his peroration, he mentioned "socialism" in 29 occasions and "communism" in six others. He included Venezuela and Nicaragua in his diatribes to complete his idea on the axis of evil and allow direct intervention in the first of these countries. A week later, the Cuban people supported the new constitution.

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