Cuba: the Assembly approved a draft constitutional reform and will be subject to a popular consultation


  Mariela Castro, daughter of Raul Castro, activist for badual rights

Mariela Castro, daughter of Raul Castro, activist for badual rights

The Cuban Parliament approved Sunday the draft constitutional reform that will be debated during three months in popular bademblies and will have to be finally supported by referendum.

The great novelties of the text are the recognition of private property and the role of the market in the national economy in addition to the elimination of the term communism

The Constitution also will modify its article 68 in which it specifies that the marriage is between a man and a woman, to replace it by a broader formula which speaks of marriage between two people, in response to requests from the LGTBI community (bad, gay, transgender, bibadual and interbad).

The measure did not find the rejection of lawmakers, but at this Sunday's meeting the deputy Mariela Castro, daughter of former president Raúl Castro, wanted that the & 9 [[[articlebeextendedanddoesnotlimitthepossibilityofadoptingfuturegaymarriages something that has been postponed for the debate of the new family code.

In the institutional field, the new text will recover the figure of the Prime Minister which was eliminated with the approval of the Magna Carta of 1976, and the post of President of the Republic will be created , paper until now exercised by the President of the State Council.

The new text will reflect the economic changes in the country as a result of the moderate reforms implemented during the presidency of Raúl Castro (2008-2018), but it does not provide for political reforms.

The Communist Party of Cuba (CCP) will remain the only legal in the country to maintain its constitutional status of "superior leadership of the state and society."

After approving the draft new Constitution, Díaz-Canel encouraged popular participation in "freely expressing his opinions so that the text reflects today and the future of the country".

The process of debate in the neighborhoods will take place between August 13 and November 15 . The start date is symbolic as it coincides with the day when Cuban President Fidel Castro was born in 1926.

After the popular debates, a referendum will take place and after the ratification of the new Magna Carta a period of one year. one year is available to amend laws such as the Penal, Family or Civil Code and bring them into line with the new constitutional text.

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