Cuba warns against the presence of US military forces in the Caribbean


The Cuban government has denounced, through a statement, the movement of US Special Operations Forces. at airports in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean "without the knowledge of the governments of these countries".

According to the document, between 6 and 10 February, military transport planes were transported to Rafael Miranda airport in Puerto Rico; the San Isidro airbase in the Dominican Republic; and other Caribbean islands with US military bases where special operations forces and the Marine Corps operate "which are used for secret actions, even against leaders of other countries ".

#Cuba denounce the movements of the special operations forces of #EEUU at airports in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean islands, without the knowledge of their governments. The preparation of a military aggression against # Venezuela under humanitarian pretext.

– Bruno Rodríguez P (@BrunoRguezP) February 14, 2019

In this way, the Cuban government is asking the international community to "mobilize to prevent the consumption" of a "military adventure disguised as a" humanitarian intervention "in Venezuela, before" escalating pressure and pressure. 39, shares "in Washington.

The so-called American humanitarian aid

Last Wednesday, US President Donald Trump said at a meeting with his Colombian counterpart, Iván Duque, that Nicolás Maduro "should let the help [humanitaria] enter the country "and felt that the Venezuelan president" makes a terrible mistake in not allowing this to happen. "In addition, Trump reaffirmed that he is studying" all options "on the" crisis in Venezuela ".

Meanwhile, the leader of the right-wing Voluntad People's Party, Lester Toledo, who is coordinating the logistics of "humanitarian aid" requested by Juan Guaidó, published a statement from the Puerto Rican government on his Twitter account. One shipment of supplies from this Associated State arrived in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia.

We like positive news for Venezuela. The Puerto Rican Government issued a communiqué confirming the arrival of humanitarian aid in Colombia for our Venezuelan brothers. They continue to add countries. thank you so much #We are well

– Lester Toledo (@LesterToledo) February 14, 2019

* The political crisis in Venezuela erupted on January 23, after Juan Guaidó, president of the National Assembly – an outrage to contempt since 2016 and whose deeds are null and void, according to several decisions of the Supreme Court of Venezuela's justice – self-proclaimed "president in charge" of his country and was recognized as such by the United States. and other countries of Latin America and Europe.

* The opposition MP said that the entry of "humanitarian aid" in his country was one of his main objectives, despite the Venezuelan government's opposition, which considers it an "American plan". to carry out a military intervention against the country of South America.

* Guaidó announced that on February 23, a "humanitarian aid" would enter Venezuela, currently collected in Cúcuta, in the department of Norte de Santander (Colombia) and in the state of Roraima (Brazil).



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