Cuban Vaccine Against Covid Sovereign 02 Has 91.2% Efficacy | Phase III test results


The Sovereign vaccine against coronavirus 02, developped by Cuba, reached a 91.2% efficiency with the application of its three doses. The data was published by Vicente Vérez, director of the Finlay Vaccine Institute, and is the result of phase III testing. In addition to this vaccine, Cuban scientists have also developed Abdala with good results. The government has both in its sights with the intention of bringing them to Argentina to further bolster the covid-19 vaccination campaign.

Sovereign 02’s high efficiency announcement comes at a time when Cuba, with 11.2 million inhabitants, faces sharp rise in coronavirus infections. The increase in cases has put a strain on health services in some provinces of the island.

“We had the ability to generate a vaccine that is 91.2% effective,” said Vérez. “We consider that this is really a very high number”added the scientist and stressed that “the fundamental objective” of the Sovereigns “is to turn this coronavirus into a cold”.

The Finlay Institute reported that the vaccine has been validated in the phase III trial. This last instance of The test was carried out in Cuba while the Beta (South African) variant was already circulating, “Considered ‘the beast’ in terms of bypassing covid-19 vaccines”

The official Cubadebate News portal clarified, citing Finlay Institute sources, that the vaccine has a “91.2% efficacy against symptomatic disease”, of “75.5% against infection”, Yes “100% for serious symptomatic illnesses and death”.

The director of the Cuban science center that developed the vaccine explained that the The announced efficacy of 91.2% is obtained with a vaccination schedule which provides for two doses of Soberana 2 and one of Soberana Plus. The latter is a variant of the first developed for convalescents of covid-19.

On July 8, Verez himself had reported that Soberana 02 was 62% effective with the application of two of its three doses. Even then, the Cuban vaccine exceeded the 50% required by the World Health Organization (WHO). The effectiveness is much higher with the last dose.

Argentina negotiations for Sovereign 02 and Abdala

The Argentine Ambassador to Cuba, Luis Ilarregui, had anticipated some time ago that Sovereign 02 as well as Abdala would “probably” arrive in the country after the middle of the year. “When in Cuba they will have vaccinated 70% of its population, which will be in August, the Cuban vaccine will surely reach Argentina”, He said.

The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, clarified that from her portfolio, they began to work “with the Cuban Ministry of Health and in coordination with the Anmat so that they can send him the development of the phases of these vaccines to make an interim analysis “. The official and Presidential Advisor Cecilia Nicolini personally learned of the COVID vaccine developments that Cuba has during a visit they made to that country.

How is the Sovereign 02 vaccine

The Sovereign 02 It was the first vaccine made in Latin America to advance since October 19 of last year through the phases of clinical trials for its subsequent mass production.. The World Health Organization (WHO) quickly included it in its selective list of vaccines to respond to the coronavirus pandemic and has the advantage of being able to be applied to the pediatric population.

It is a vaccine that combines viral antigen and tetanus toxoid. It was developed for that the immunity reaches the lining of the airways in order to prevent the entry of the virus. The choice of this mechanism was a bet to avoid contagion, which all the vaccines applied so far do not guarantee.

After successfully passing the initial stages of testing the laboratory coped with its large-scale production.


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