Curiosities and myths about the trip to the moon


We all celebrated the date of July 20, but in reality, Neil Armstrong walked on the moon for the first time on July 21 at 2:56 (GMT), although he stayed on July 20 in all the time zones of the United States. .US.

The first thing that the Armstrong astronaut did before taking his first steps on the moon and getting the first pictures was to throw a trash bag on the sea of ​​the tranquility of the satellite.

The five American flags they placed on the Moon have no stars or scratches. The pbading time, the cold and the radiation disappear completely until they whiten.

The "Apollo" program took twelve astronauts to the moon between 1969 and 1972. Almost all those who returned were divorced; Buzz Aldrin fell into alcoholism and others felt the call of supernatural beings.

Some dialogues by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are thought to have been censored. Supposedly, during their trip to the moon, they both saw alien ships.


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