Curious change: from today, the kilogram will be measured differently


In this way, the new definition of the kilogram will be implemented as well as other measures such as kelvin, amp and mol, as agreed last November at the General Conference of Weights and Measures held in France.

The meeting to be held today will focus on "this topic, which will be essential in the future for the precise administration of medicines, in the pharmaceutical industry, the measurement of climate change, computing, electronics, between other high levels of precision, "the agency said on its website, giving rise to a historical fact.

What is the change? "All units will be defined on the basis of constants of nature, in place of artifacts, material properties or theoretical experiments unachievable, as it was the case up to this "explains Héctor Laiz, Metrology and Quality Manager at INTI.

This historic change will not change daily life, so it will not be felt every day. That is, what will happen today?This will not affect the balance that the doctor uses to weigh a patient or in the butcher's shop when buying a barbecue, but this will have a significant impact on the scientific field ", they explained from the institute that they would proceed with the modification.

In addition, they added that "the biggest change will likely be felt by the manufacturers of scientific instruments, which will have to adapt their products to the new measures".

This will also be "essential for better climate change predictions as more accurate measurements can be taken to monitor small temperature changes", which will be vital for the future.

It will be the same for the pharmaceutical industry "which, for example, will be able to more accurately define the micrograms of a drug or provide doses of a drug tailored to each patient "will be unprecedented progress.

According to Mr. Laiz, this change "will also be a challenge for education because we will now have to teach high school students the new definitions of units of measurement".

Laiz is the only representative of South America within the International Committee of Weights and Measures that was responsible for the review and which will take place around the world.

The free day will be held at the Migueles INTI Technology Park, located in San Martin, between 9 and 13 years, and represents a historic change for scientific change.

What will be the impact?

  • This will change the pharmaceutical industry: it will be possible to more accurately define the micrograms of any drug or provide doses of a drug suitable for patients.
  • The most significant change will be felt by manufacturers of scientific instruments, who will have to adapt their products to the new measures.
  • In climatology, it will be fundamental because more precise measurements can be made to monitor small temperature variations.
  • From now on, in schools, we will have to teach high school students the new definitions of units of measurement.


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