Customs has given seized goods for about $ 115 million so far in 2019


The donated products belong to clothing, shoes, toys, bazaars, kitchen utensils, electronics, clothing, ceramics, cars, among others, removed by contraband or not authorized for sale in the country.

"The articles seized, after authorization of the intervening judges, were handed over, on the basis of Presidential Decree 51/2017, to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, which distributes them among clubs, restaurants, hospitals and schools. " AFIP detailed in a statement.

He specified that donated goods were recovered after the opening of 248 containers belonging to the cause called "Mafia Container"; that until today, they continue to deliver products from this case.

In addition, donations made this year by the General Directorate of Customs in various provinces reached a total value of 49,830,227 pesos.

These are goods that occupied more than 500 cubic meters in the deposits and were removed by agents of different customs at the borders (maritime, air and land).

"Some donations were larger than others, among them one of the 23,000 jackets made by Customs at the beginning of the year and donated to the Department of Health and Social Development; in July, another 70,000 were added, toys in the same body ", AFIP said.

In July, more than 280,000 units of merchandise were donated in Santiago del Estero, worth more than $ 16 million, including clothing, underwear, blankets, towels, shoes and bags. backpack, among others.

Finally, a donation of 1,000 digital reading calibres, used for length measurements, was given to the technical school IPET n ° 58 of the city of La Puerta, Córdoba, which benefited about 500 students, concluded information.


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