Cystic fibrosis: the first drug that treats the defect is already available in the country | News instantly from


The National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (Anmat) approved the use of the first drug dealing with the basic defect of cystic fibrosis. From this Wednesday, Ivacatfor can be used, the first drug of this type. There are others who are in a state of experimentation.

For the moment, it is only intended for a small subgroup of people suffering from this disease. Between 3 and 5 percent of cases. However, it is a great step for the control of this disease because it dramatically improves the health and quality of life of patients.

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"From this medication, the approach of Cystic Fibrosis has changed.To date, we have indicated a basic therapy very similar to all patients.Now, with the possibility of knowing what specific genetic alteration they present, we can start to indicate the drug with which we know that it will get better results, acting on the trigger of So, we will make a more personalized approach to each patient, "says Oscar Rizzo, head of the emergency department of the María Ferrer respiratory rehabilitation hospital

For his part, the coordinator of the cystic fibrosis program from the province of Buenos Aires, Edgardo Segal said that the new drug "significantly reduces the amount of infections, exacerbations and hospitalizations, improves the Nutritional status and provides benefits on lung function. In addition, which is very important, the patient feels better. To determine if they are compatible with treatment, patients must undergo studies to evaluate their genetic profile. [19659007cysticfibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease in our population.The genetic alterations present in this pathology trigger processes in the cells of the body that generate secretions that become thick and viscous, generating obstructions and functional alterations in various organs and systems of the human body.

Some of the main consequences of this dysfunction are respiratory infections, intestinal and pancreatic obstructions, the absence of sperm due to the obstruction of seminal ducts, pathological enlargement of liver size and liver failure.

"The The population we know today carries the alterations for which the new drug represents a small percentage, but the truth is that if we find these patients, they will benefit immensely. Moreover, this progress is very important because it is the first of many that will come, which will allow us to give better answers to a disease that has historically presented us with great challenges, "said Rizzo

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