Czech President joins Viktor Orban’s offensive against gender diversity: finds transsexuals “disgusting”


Czech President, Milos Zeman EFE / EPA / MARTIN DIVISEK / Archive
Czech President, Milos Zeman EFE / EPA / MARTIN DIVISEK / Archive

Czech President Milos Zeman called transgender people “disgusting” while commenting on the recent homophobic law passed by the parliament of neighboring Hungary.

Hungarian law prohibits the dissemination of all educational materials and programs for children which are considered to promote homosexuality, gender reassignment and the concept of sexuality which deviates from that attributed to a person at birth.

The legislation has been sharply criticized by the majority of members of the European Union, a bloc of which Hungary is a part.

    EFE / Miguel Lemus / Archives
EFE / Miguel Lemus / Archives

Zeman said, in an interview with CNN Prima News, a US CNN affiliate channel, that Interference in the internal affairs of any member country of the European Union is a serious political error and has defended the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban.

“I see no reason not to agree with him,” Zeman pointed out, adding that he can “understand gays, lesbians, etc. But do you know who I don’t understand at all? transgender. ”Then he added that“ if I was a little younger, I would organize a big heterosexual protest in Prague. ”He also spoke about the fact that feminist protests and the #MeToo movement bother him.

Zeman said transsexuals seem to him “By nature disgusting”.

Milos Zeman, transsexuals seem
Milos Zeman, transsexuals seem “inherently disgusting”. EFE / Martin Divisek / Archives

Zeman’s comments, made on Sunday and posted on Monday, came as cities around the world celebrated Gay Pride Day with parades and marches aimed at raising visibility for the LGBTI community.

This group’s festival in Prague is scheduled for the first week of August.

According to ILGA-Europe, a rights group, local activists fear that the Czech Republic is following the path of its increasingly illiberal neighbors: Hungary and Poland.

REUTERS / Sarah Meyssonnier
REUTERS / Sarah Meyssonnier

The adoption of a law on marriage equality is repeatedly blocked in the country and, according to a December 2020 report by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, Czech citizens must undergo gender reassignment and sterilization as a condition of official transition.

In the LGTB + community “concern and fear of what will happen now” has increased, after the adoption of the regulation which prohibits the presentation of homosexuality and sex reassignment to minors, whether in schools or in the media, he explained Johanna Majercsik, member of the Budapest Pride Board of Directors.

The activist admits that it is early, for now, to know what this will mean for the lives of members of the LGBT + community, as it is not known how it will be applied. Parliament will still have to debate a series of details that the approved text does not determine.

(with information from the EFE)


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