Czech Republic: the government wants to vaccinate with Spu …


The highest authorities of Czech Republic they manifested this sunday his interest in vaccinating the population of the country with Sputnik V. President Milos Zeman contacted his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to ask for vaccine doses, although the European Union (EU) has not yet authorized its request.

I wrote a letter to President Vladimir Putin, asking him to provide vaccines against Sputnik V. According to information from the Russian Embassy in Prague, they will soon send us a batch of this vaccine, ”Zeman announced in an interview with the local channel CNN Prima News, quoted by the Sputnik press agency.

At the same time, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis told the press that his government could start vaccinating with Sputnik V if Russia sends doses, even if the EU does not approve it, as reported by the ANSA news agency. This was confirmed by Zeman: “Certification from the State Institute for Drug Control would be enough for me”.

On February 10, Babis assured that he would wait for the approval of the EU regulatory body before purchasing and inoculating the population with the vaccine produced by Russia, while progressing very slowly with the vaccination. started within the regional bloc.

However, a week later they started delays in deliveries of EU-approved vaccines – Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca and a member of the continental bloc, Hungary, approved alone the use of Sputnik V and the vaccine manufactured by Sinopharm in China. The government of the Czech Republic is now calling to follow the “Hungarian way”.

The Czech Prime Minister visited Hungary and Serbia, where he is already vaccinated with Sputnik V, to learn more about the experience.

Czech Republic, based on the results of the last seven days, ranks first in the world for the number of new coronavirus patients per 1 million inhabitants in the population: 884.

In total, the country already has more than 20,300 dead, including more than 4,000 last month.


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