Dance 2018: Jimena Barón confirmed that she will be in the event with a luxury team


Jimena Barón will add a new (new) challenge to his work landscape this year: it was confirmed for Dancing 2018. The "Tonta" will join the event with a luxury team that, on the one hand, guarantees quality in its choirs, but on the other hand, will require a high performance. Baron will be on the track with Matías Napp, coach Laurita Fernández and Fede Bal and Mauro Caiazza, the dancer who formed in 2017 a duet with La Chipi.

In dialogue with The preview of the show, Jimena confirmed the proposal and confessed that was encouraged to accept it after much meditation. She had already participated in 2011 – long before Daniel Osvaldo, the explosion of her form and her facet as a singer – and could not participate again because later she focused on her career. # 39; actress.

It makes me crazy to dance, the subject is then the madness of the schedules … At the beginning when they called me I said no, a little for cag … or dizziness, and the truth that after I really wanted to dance and I have it in a year when I'm singer and concerts are like a lot more manageable workload, and suddenly, I saw that as a possibility, I was a little scared … I'm a little scared, "he began.

" I'm not a mine that stops doing something out of fear, I've therefore decided to accept and enjoy the rehearsals and the bestial team that has affected me, "he acknowledged and talked about one of his latest participations. to the dance, in 2015, while he had just parted from Osvaldo and that it was said that he did not like to see her on TV. " , I do it for free, it's great. " It attracts me ape at a certain time, I have to be in a place like this, and I'm having fun The decisions of my life are simpler, I want to do it, period ", she closed, enthusiastic about go out on the dance floor.

We went on some of Jimena's songs in Dance 2011:



Dance of the pipe



Yesterday also two other participants were confirmed: Julián Serrano and Sofía Morandi, who will be the influencer couple and millenium of dancing 2018, since the two have reached their popularity through social networks.

As announced by Marcelo Tinelli, the Dance will return to the screen of eltrece in August.

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