Danger in the networks: he made an investigation on Instagram to know "live or die", won the second option and committed suicide


Nail A 16 year old teenager committed suicide in Malaysia after experiencing the results of an investigation that she posted on Instagram, in which I asked if I had to choose life or death. In this environment, 69% of participants said that they should commit suicide.

"Really important, help me read D (death) / L (life), "Said the survey published on this social network, according to the local police.

The news comes in the middle of days when different platforms online reputation is concerned about the disclosure of inaccurate or false information about health problems.

I am really concerned about the mental health status of our young people, "said Malaysia's Minister of Youth and Sports.

To cite a few examples, Twitter and Instagram announced last week measures to curb the spread of anti-vaccination campaigns. In both cases, they indicated that publications related to this topic would receive a similar treatment to that of the messages with messages related to suicide and self-injury.

As he points out The GuardianIn February, Instagram had recognized the need to control these publications, after the suicide of a teenager in England who, according to her parents, frequently consumed content from this network in which they urged her to harm herself.

The reactions

The suicide of young Malaysian, whose identity was not revealed by the authorities, naturally aroused reactions, both from the authorities of this country and from personalities representative of the young public.

"I am really worried about the mental health status of our young people. This is a national problem that must be taken seriously, "said Syed Saddiq, Minister of Youth and Sports Malaysia.

The American actress Selena Gómez (26 years old) is also expressed on this tragic event. "Social networks have been terrible for my generation. It scares me to see how much these kids are exposed, "she said of the case.

"They are not aware of the news, of what's going on, I would not say it's egocentric, because it would be rude, but it's certainly dangerous that people do not always get the correct information, "added the actress, who has more than 150 million subscribers on Instagram.

For his part, Instagram spokesperson Ching Yee Wong expressed his sadness and expressed his solidarity with the girl's family. In addition, to a certain extent, he acknowledged responsibilities.

"We have a great responsibility to ensure that Instagram users feel safe and supportive, and as part of our efforts, we urge everyone to use our reporting tools and contact emergency services if they see behavior that endangers the safety of people, "he said.


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