Daniel Cipolat: The mystery of the Argentine spiritual guru buried in the garden of his assistant in Cancun


Daniel Cipolat, the Argentine cosmic guru whose body was found in his assistant's garden, pictured on his social networks
Daniel Cipolat, the Argentine cosmic guru whose body was found in his assistant’s garden, pictured on his social networksRR. SS.

The mystery involved the life and death of Daniel Cipolat. The 60-year-old Argentinian had lived in Mexico for a decade, where he worked as a sort of spiritual guru who took classes in Quantum Vortex, an “energy therapy based on different levels of consciousness”. His body was found on September 13, buried in the garden of the Cancun house of Linda Uribe, his assistant, who has since been reported missing. On his social networks, Cipolat confessed to having caught the coronavirus. On September 6, his death was announced. A son from his first marriage, Nicolás Cipolat, contacted Uribe and went to see her to find out what had happened. “She confessed to me that she had my father buried in the garden of her house. He refused to take me to see the body; I asked her for her cell phone to investigate, because there are a lot of things that smell very strange; He refused to give it to me and also confessed to me that he had falsified the death certificate. We believe that a person who has done all of this is capable of anything, we have already filed complaints with the prosecutor’s office, ”Cipolat Jr. said in a video posted on his social networks.

In response to the complaint, the Quintana Roo State Attorney General’s Office searched Uribe’s home, where they found Cipolat’s body “illegally buried in a garden, apparently by his sentimental partner”. A group of specialized experts is carrying out a forensic study to establish the causes of the Argentinian’s death, as the agency announced in a statement on Friday.

At the end of August, Daniel Cipolat published on his Instagram a strange message in which he claimed to have been contaminated by the coronavirus: “This time it was my turn. I tested positive for covid, Delta variant. So far, he’s not responding to any medication. He continues his extremely debilitating and boring process. I am not afraid, I am open to any outcome and whatever it is ”. Two days later, he announced an event in which he would participate in late October in Cancun. “The answer is in our true potential. There is nothing more invincible than our Truest Essence. And against that, there is nothing. QUANTUM WATER RECORDING IS A FACT, ”the appeal read. But that never happened.

On September 6, this time via one of his Facebook accounts, on which he has more than 500,000 followers, his death is announced: “Daniel, our teacher and guide, is reborn today in the fullness and integration of the light … Reborn because he’s always taught us that “being born” into this life is actually dying and “dying” is actually being born on a plane in which we are fully integrated into the light, without the density body … just like Daniel and dandelion [su apodo espiritual] right now”.

A day later, someone posted on this same page a video from October 2020 in which a cryptic Cipolat speaks of a kind of reincarnation: “Having embodied a biological system is not enough to qualify your current state of ‘Life. ‘. When you are born you are dying, and when you die you are being born. Recognizing this paradigm will empower you to access your next conflict-free transformation ”.

His ex-wife, Karina, and his two other children, Gonzalo and Agustín, discovered their father’s illness via social media, which surprised them. In an interview with Bugle, Karina explained that he alerted himself to verdad cuando el 3 de septiembre, día de su cumpleaños, no recibió un mensaje de su exmarido: “Y era una fija que siempre me saludaba con un mensaje, nunca se le pasaba mi cumple ni el día de Mother. That’s why when he didn’t write to me, I started to worry and with my children we started to find out, to try to reach him in one way or another ”. After a day of follow-up, they were able to contact Linda Uribe, who informed them of Cipolat’s death. It was September 6, the same day the guru’s death declaration was released.

“It gave me the impression that [Uribe] I didn’t know Daniel had an ex-wife and kids. He told me that he had been his partner for five years, that he had died of covid and that he was not going to do any ceremony or vigil. It was all very strange, if Daniel had been in a relationship he would at least have told his children, ”adds Karina in the same interview with the Argentinian media. According to BugleIt was at this time that Daniel Cipolat, went to Cancun to meet Uribe, who, according to him, was agitated, strange, “his attitude was that of someone who was trying to dissuade me from filing a complaint”. Since that day, the assistant has erased her trace on the internet and is missing.

The guru had thousands of followers on social media who in early September launched an online campaign demanding answers about the Argentinian’s whereabouts under the hashtag # DondeE EstáDanielCipolat. In Cipolat’s Instagram profile (over 21,000 subscribers), we find the same personal photos and calls to Quantum Vortex events or conferences on the existence of extraterrestrials and life on other planets, called “members of the Galactic Confederation ”; so-called “solar storm” alerts and all manner of eccentricities on the energy, the universe and the human being, often reminiscent of the language of cults like the Church of Scientology. In a 2019 interview with Síntesis TV, he said that his spiritual method “gives you a context so that you can understand who you are, where you are from and what your goal is. Interpret everything from an energetic point of view. I always say, “don’t see the people or the situations, see the energy”.

His son, Nicolás Cipolat, has also launched a social media campaign in which he calls for justice for his father and asks for financial help from his fans to “be able to meet the costs of the investigation, the lawyers, the funeral home. .. “. With more unknowns than certainties, his family now hopes that the facts about Daniel Cipolat’s last days will be clarified.

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