Daniel Marx: I see little likelihood of short-term IMF disbursement


I do not see the likely hyperinflation "(Daniel Marx, former director of the Central Bank)

A week ago, the IMF mission in Argentina led by the economist Roberto Cardarelli and the director of the department of the Western Hemisphere, Alejandro Werner who held meetings with Alberto Fernandez on the part of the opposition and two with the government to badyze the context and, as it was possible to know in the last one, they advanced the measures of the reperfilamiento.

In this context, as he might know Field of application, Mauricio Macri and Donald Trump had a phone conversation Thursday past, although the coordinates have not yet been transcended.

Marx warned of a "drain" of BCRA's reserves

Marx felt that the situation of the Central Bank is sensitive. "There is a depletion of continuous reserves. It is not that we will end up without raw reservations, but very diminished. This will have to face the next government "said the foreign debt negotiator from 1989 to 1993.


Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA).

Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA).

Image: Argentine News.

In addition, Marx added that the "big challenge" for next December is "How are the measures taken from there and more credible?"

"At this point, the problems are so important that it is better to look forward, I do not see hyperinflation as probable.There should be a very substantial race and there is no time for this to happen. "said the deputy minister of the economy of Domingo Cavallo.


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