Daniel Vila: “Macri extorted me on WhatsApp”


The holder of America Group, Daniel Vila, publicly denounced the media pressure under the administration of the former president Mauricio Macri. “Macri pressed me and sent (former minister) Aguad to file a criminal complaint, “Vila said and admitted that Cambiemos’ government he is “the one who pressed him the most” in his life.

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On this point, he noted that “Between Nestor, Cristina or Macri, it is undoubtedly Macri” who pressed him the most. “There is one thing that goes beyond the pressure, it is what Macri did with me, which was to send him to the Minister of Telecommunications, Oscar Aguad, to present a criminal complaint for fraud to the State”, he said and pointed out that “you can’t make a complaint and once that gives you something, lift it up. You extort the person. “

In an interview with C5N, the businessman said that Macri extorted from him WhatsApp and gave details of his actions to put pressure on him: “It’s always the same thing, in the sense of put pressure on the judge to get something he wanted ”. For this reason, he said he was not surprised by the official pressure on the Indalo Group during the macrism. “I’m not surprised by the pressure Indalo is under,” he admitted.

On the other hand, the owner of the America Group made an analysis that Macri “finished his administration very badly” and made “mistakes that we still pay” and, in that sense, he argued that “the IMF debt is going to be hard for us to forget “.

Macri’s complaint to Vila

In 2019, Daniel Vila spoke at Stray animals about his legal conflict with the former president, Mauricio Macri. “When he takes office, he asks me that the company I represent, Supercanal Arlink, return the spectrum to the State. We were in a situation of conflict, there were legal measures that paralyzed the specter and he asked me to reinstate him, to return him, because he was engaged in Clarín“, declared the businessman in conversation with Alejandro Fantino, who underlined the seriousness of what he was telling on the air.

“I told him I couldn’t; finally I gave him a signed paper saying that I renounced these legal measures and he promised to keep it and to present it only the day I sold my business, which he did not do. As he did not, presented this court document in advance, the company’s lawyers had their reassurance and prevented this specter from returning to the state. What did the president do there? He sent Minister Aguad to file a criminal complaint. When I returned the specter, he sent me a WhatsApp message telling me that he had already asked the attorney general to quash the criminal complaint, “ Detailed vila.

What Vila said about Macri’s book

In his book “First time”, Mauricio Macri qualifies Vila as “the classic exponent of the red circle who considers that the law should apply to everyone except himself” and says that it is “one of the most complicated in the industry.”

“I am not a lobbyist, I think the law should apply to everyone equally”Vila said during the interview with C5N and spoke about the launch of the former president’s book, questioning Macri’s authorship. In addition, he admitted that he had not read it yet and that he seemed “useless to read it” because he had no self-criticism: “I don’t think it brings anything.”

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