Danish Medicines Agency chief fainted during live press conference


Danish Medicines Agency Director Tanja Erichsen passed out at the press conference announcing the final withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine from Denmark’s vaccination plan following blood clots.

Erichsen, who collapsed on the live broadcast, was rushed to hospital after the episode and is doing well, according to several Danish media outlets. He has regained consciousness and is under observation.

Before fainting, the official intervened to indicate that the authorities “agree” with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) what the vaccine is “effective”, but reiterated that due to the epidemiological situation in Denmark, “it is better” to stop using the vaccine.

Image of Tanja Erichsen's pre-fainting press conference (right).  Photo: AFP

Image of Tanja Erichsen’s pre-fainting press conference (right). Photo: AFP

At a press conference, the director of the Danish National Health Council, Soren Brostrom, said the decision was taken due to the “good control” of the pandemic in the European country and the availability of other vaccines.

“If in Denmark we were in a completely different situation, for example with a violent third wave and a pressured health system, and we had not gone so far in the vaccination, we would not hesitate to use the vaccine. , although there were rare but serious complications, ”he said.

The health authorities have not ruled out that the AstraZeneca vaccine could be reused in the future “if the situation changes”, the newspaper “Jyllands-Posten” reported.

Following the announcement, the Czech Republic offered to purchase the remaining doses of AstraZeneca in Denmark. “We are ready to buy (AstraZeneca’s vaccine) in Denmark,” Interior Minister Jan Hamacek transferred via his Twitter account.

Source: agencies


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