Darío Alessandro, the legislative sword of Frepaso and ambassador to Cuba with Kirchnerism, has died


He loved to be low-key and talk into the wee hours, both with allies and occasional adversaries. Darío Alessandro was the namesake son of a historical leader of Peronism, but he achieved his own flight as an alter ego of Chacho Alvarez placeholder image in Parliament and coxswain of the bloc of Alliance deputies during the traumatic administration of Fernando de la Rúa.

the Circle of legislators, who had anointed him vocal of the board which was about to resume, announced Wednesday the news of his death. Sources close to the former MP confirmed Bugle that a few months ago they detected cancer, which was devastating. He was 69 years old.

He had entered the career of Sociology of the UBA in 1970 and soon after he joined the Peronist group that Chacho Alvarez was already leading, which led to the formation of the JP loyalty, facing the militarist line of Montoneros.

He was only able to graduate with the return of democracy and in the difficult times of the army, he devoted himself successively to private activities: from the care of a family metallurgist in Rosario to the company of ‘a delicatessen.

When Antonio Cafiero The governor of Buenos Aires was consecrated, in 1987, his father (founder of Forja with Arturo Jauretche Yes Homero manzi) he was elected MP, and there he began his journey through Congress. First as an advisor, then as legislative secretary of the Group of Eight which met late 1989 menemism dissidents, with their father, Chacho, the trade unionist Germán Abdala and Juan Pablo Cafiero (father of the current Chief of Staff) as eminent personalities,

He was one of the founders of the Frente Grande and after the Frepaso, which in 1995 got the second place in the presidential elections with the formula José Octavio Bordón-Chacho Alvarez. That year he landed in the Lower House, where he stayed until 2003, on behalf of the capital.

With the consecration of the Alliance, which transformed its political leader into vice-president of De la Rúa, he received the support of his radical allies to become leader of the bloc, a position he held despite the resignation de Chacho, after the scandal of the appeal Ley Banelco labor reform.

Alessandro used his negotiating style to gracefully overcome controversial debates, and although he had to endure continued bleeding in his own ranks due to growing criticism from the leadership of the Francpasist sectors, remained loyal to the De la Rúa government until the brutal end in December 2001,

He was excited in 2003 with the arrival of Nestor kirchner at Casa Rosada, like other former frepasistas, and was once again close to power, but not so much. The chancellor Rafael Bielsa He added him to his team as Under Secretary for Latin American Affairs, and in 2005 the President appointed him Ambassador to Cuba.

It was after the diplomatic scandal over the refuge granted to the Cuban dissident at the embassy Hilda Molina, which led to the dismissal of the ambassador Raul taleb and the official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and now an “albertista” deputy Eduardo Valdes.

Of his passage through Havana used to say that in order to write realistic reports on the political situation, one had to qualify Granma, the official organ of the Communist Party, with news circulating secretly among the journalists from international agencies.

In 2007, she left the embassy and Cristina kept her headless for a while, until she decided to name Juliana Marino, The following year, the then president sent Alessandro to Peru, and this is where his public activity ended, in 2015, after the electoral defeat of Kirchnerism at the hands of Cambiemos. His wife, Marta, mother of his two sons, had accompanied him to both destinations.

A former traveling companion, the former senator Pedro del Piero, summoned him to join the new multi-stakeholder list of the Circle of Legislators, which maintains the Peronist as president Daniel “Chicho” Basil and from vice to radical Rafael Pascual.

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