Daughter of an exiled and current official of Buenos Aires, the profile of the new ambassador


Elisa Trotta met Macri yesterday at La Rosada. "Our commitment to democracy is growing stronger," he told EL DIA

Daughter of an exiled and current official of Buenos Aires, the profile of the new ambbadador

Trotta, director in the Chamber of Deputies, was received yesterday by the president in La Rosada / TÉLAM

For Elisa Trotta Gamus, the news of her appointment as Venezuela's new ambbadador to Argentina took her by surprise. Yesterday afternoon, after learning the novelty, he went to Casa Rosada, convened by President Mauricio Macri for the first diplomatic contact.

"I took it with great emotion, I felt totally honored," said Trotta Gamus, 36, in dialogue with EL DIA, shortly before the meeting with Macri and while waiting for the diplomatic powers to officially arrive as a new representative. in Argentina the transitional government headed by Juan Guaidó.

The daughter of an Argentinian who exiled to this country in the 70s, currently chairs the network of organizations "Alliance for Venezuela" that contribute to various problems related to the Venezuelan community of the country.

Trotta arrived in our country in 2011 with thousands of Venezuelans who have left a country affected by the crisis and increasingly affected by poverty.

The new ambbadador is a lawyer specializing in international law and policy, with a master's degree in sustainable development and conflict resolution from the city of Boston, funded by a Fulbright scholarship.

Since arriving in Argentina, he has worked to help Venezuelans who wanted to exile in the country.

In 2016, she joined the Chamber of Deputies of the province of Buenos Aires as a civil servant. There, she is Director of Institutional Development and is responsible for bringing together the institutional agenda of the organization and, in particular, the international agenda when there are legislator missions or trips of the president of the organ, Manuel Mosca.

Every day he travels from Buenos Aires to La Plata to fulfill his duties in the legislature. Those who work with her emphasize above all their professional profile. "He's cosmopolitan, he knows a lot about international politics and speaks languages," they explain.


Yesterday, in the middle of a day full of emotions, Trotta spoke to EL DÍA and, consulted about it, explained that he had no personal relationship with Guaidó, that it was not the same. he knows as a student leader.

"We will wait for the official designation by the National Assembly (parliament), the only legitimate and democratically elected body in Venezuela that nominated Venezuela's ambbadadors for the transitional government abroad." officially arrives in Argentina, with the corresponding diplomatic powers, we are waiting for the Argentinian government to validate our diplomatic representation in order to be able to start exercising official functions ", he explained.


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