"Day without bra" in solidarity with the German captain who saved 40 immigrants | Chronic


The case of the German captain Carola Rackete, which, at the end of June, entered an Italian port without authorization with 40 immigrants who had been rescued from the sea and prosecuted, added an unexpected turn on Thursday when a group of women summoned all Italians "a day without a bra" July 27th.

This day is not related to the courage shown by Rackete to challenge the Italian authorities nor to the humanitarian value of his action, but to a detail that scandalized a group of women.

The trigger was the title published by the Italian newspaper Liberto, which covered the judicial declaration given by the captain, prosecuted for violating the rules of navigation at its unauthorized entry into the port of Lampedusa.

"Carola Rackete without bra in pursuit." Descaro without limits ", said the title of the article.

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The badist title led a group of women in Turin to call all Italian women to celebrate "a day without a bra" and say it on social networks with the tag #freebadday (day of free bad).

"We demand the right of women to dress as they please without being criticized"they explained to the media Nicoletta Nobile and Giulia Trivero, two of the promoters of the day.

The Italians will meet in the streets on July 27 (Twitter).

"The protest was born with irony, but the goal is not so superficial." Shocking because a woman does not wear a bodice, on the one hand, distracts us from the actual content ( of the actuality) and, on the other hand, reuses the body of the woman "both women continued.

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"The political debate is hidden for the umpteenth time and the delegitimization of the arguments is achieved through the humiliation and censorship of the female body, so we propose one day to badert the right not to wear a bodice", They concluded.


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