Days come back with high temperatures | Chronic


The "cool" weather that has been experienced for a few days is over, at least in the capital and the suburbs, and today begins a new heat wave that will raise the temperature above 35 degrees. In this situation, the spa marks are again in Patagonia where, at the beginning of the month, hundreds of people could be seen enjoying the beaches of Tierra del Fuego.

The National Meteorological Service (NMS) is forecast for Monday with a cloudy sky, with moderate north winds and a temperature of between 23 and 34 degrees. For tomorrow, we expect variable cloudiness, unstable weather, and light winds from the west. The temperature will go from 24 to 35 degrees.

The highest temperatures will be recorded Wednesday, when the sky will remain cloudy, with moderate northwesterly winds, with temperatures between 25 and 36 degrees. With high humidity and warm wind from the northern provinces, the feeling of warmth will probably come back in February to 40 degrees.

Before a week with high temperatures, start again with the recommendations for a good hydration and avoid exposing yourself to the sun during the hours of noon. At the same time, there is fear of repetition of power outages that affected much of the capital and the suburbs a few days ago.

Patagonia in the sun

The heat does not fade in Patagonia, where the National Meteorological Service (NMHS) yesterday recorded a maximum temperature of 36 degrees in Trelew and Puerto Madryn, as in Rawson, capital of Chubut.

In Esquel, the maximum was 30 degrees, while Bariloche, Villa La Angostura and San Martin de Los Andes reached 31 degrees. In these cities, it is expected that the maximum temperatures will drop a little today.

In the capital of Río Negro, Viedma, the temperature reached 39 degrees this Sunday, while in Monte Hermoso and Bahía Blanca, in the south of Buenos Aires, it was 38 degrees.

The entire region supports this situation with a water deficit of concern, so the risk of developing wildfires is very high. We must remember that Rio Negro and Chubut both experienced major fires with thousands of hectares devoured by fire.

What makes this situation very dangerous are almost cloudless days, with temperatures well above 30 ° C, relative humidity values ​​well below 30% and wind periods exceeding 30 km / h. All these conditions combined give rise to a scenario requiring more control.


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