De Brito Toughly Crossed Martina: "I Continued to Support a Murderer Like Nahir Galarza"


The demonstration in favor of the young woman sentenced to life by the aseinato generated a fierce fight between the driver and the journalist. Look what they said.

March to demand the release of Nahir Galarza 19-year-old adolescent sentenced to life imprisonment for to kill her boyfriend, Fernando Pastorizzo caused a surprise in the people, and caused an unexpected cross between Ángel de Brito and the old CQC, Martina Soto Pose.

In the midst of the demonstration, which involved some thirty women, the driver of Los Angeles de la Mañana expressed his repudiation on Twitter.

"The march for Embarrbadment #NAHIR .As with Monzón, El Bambino or Barreda .Idolatran no matter what" convicted.

But there was the reporter's spicy response. "Do you think?" Like Monsoon? They sentenced him to 11 years and let him out on weekends. Or the Bambino? S he raped a minor he was saved for a few months and he repaired it with 100 lucas. I do not know anyone who idolizes Nahir.For the other 2, many. Stay with the chimento " launches Martina

But Angel does not remain quiet and counterattacks harshly: "Look at the news, read the portals and you will discover You could not with a newspaper televised, you were hardly a note of CQC . Two hypermachist redoubts .I have no prejudices with the chimento. Get out of the pony fringe and j & # 39; continued to support an ASSASSIN . "

The March of #NAHIR
Shame of others
Like Monzón, El Bambino or Barreda.
Idolater no matter what.

– ANGEL (@AngeldebritoOk) July 10, 2018

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