Dead on the narrow path of Everest Hill


The Nepal Tourism Department has granted 38 climbing permits to Everest between April and May this year, a historic record since the first ascent of 1953, and each mountaineer was accompanied by one of them. Sherpa guide, which means more than 750 even during the spring, which lasts a few weeks.

The "throttling bottleneck" that caused the death of several climbers during the past week has unfolded in a narrow sloping road, the only step to the summit of Mount Everest, the highest of world with its 8,848 meters.

The climbing season begins at the end of April, when the climate offers less extreme conditions on these icy heights, and ends at the end of May.

Nepal's permit to carry out the expedition to Mount Everest costs $ 11,000.

Up until last Friday, some 600 people had climbed Everest on the Nepalese road, local authorities reported. and at least 140 others have emerged from the northern flank of Tibet.

Between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, more than 200 mountaineers climbed Everest, breaking the record of promotions the same day, but also creating a "bottleneck" that caused several hours of queues on a daily basis. narrow path of the hill near the summit.

Some 250 climbers left the fourth and final camp – 7,900 meters – Tuesday night, and more than 200 reached the highest peak in the world the next day.

During the last week, 10 people died in the ascent of Everest, some trying to reach the summit, and others, who had already reached the summit, are dead at the beginning of the descent.

British climber Robin Haynes Fisher (44) died today while he was 8,700 meters above sea level, just after the start of the descent. while Irishman Kevin Hynes, 56, died in his tent of about 7,000 meters, also on his way home.

Yesterday, Dhurba Bista, a 33-year-old guide who fell ill at Camp 3, at an altitude of 7,200 meters, also died.

On Thursday, two Indian mountaineers were killed: Nihal Bagwan (27) died in camp 4 after descending from the summit and Kalpana Das (53), who was on an expedition of women from three countries.

Anjali Kulkarni (53) died Wednesday on his return from the summit of Everest on Wednesday, as did another mountaineer from the Asian country for which no data was published.

An American climber is another victim, while the authorities presume the death of another Irish citizen who disappeared on the mountain. In addition, an Austrian died on the Tibetan side of the mountain.

According to figures released by the Nepalese Tourism Department, 855 people have attempted in 2018 to reach the summit of Mount Everest, dubbed the "roof of the world", and 563 have reached it.

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