Deadly bombings between Israel and Palestine: shocking videos | Chronic


Israel's missile attacks on the Gaza Strip and rocket attacks on Palestinian territory in southern Israel have increased to 15, raising fears of further military escalation in the affected region.

The Israeli army announced that in the last 48 hours, more than 600 rockets had been launched from the small Palestinian territory blocked in southern Israel, while this institution had responded with more than 210 bombings that affected parts of the Gaza Strip.

Thus unleashed the fury against the state of Israel

Israeli authorities estimated that three citizens were killed by attacks from Gaza and 57 were injured, while the Gaza Ministry of Health reported that the death toll was already 12 and 90 were wounded.

In addition, the Israeli army and government reported killing a Hamas commander, Hamed Ahmad al Jodari, with a precision attack that completely destroyed the car in which he was traveling in Al Daraj neighborhood, in the center of Gaza City, which the mainstream Israeli media has interpreted as a reactivation of the policy of "selective killings" against Palestinian leaders.

This is how Israel reacted against the center of Gaza.

According to the Palestinian media, the death of Al Jordakri This is the first targeted badbadination of Israel against a prominent figure in Gaza since the mbadive offensive of 2014.

The acting Minister of Homeland Security, Gilad Erdan, confirmed this interpretation during an act devoted to the Independence Day commemoration project organized this week by the central command of the National Police in Jerusalem.

"We need to increase our reaction in Gaza until peace prevails there and return to targeted killings," he told local Haaretz daily.

Israel is preparing not only to commemorate its independence, but in just nine days it will be home to Eurovision, one of the most popular arts and media events of the year in Europe.

While the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, ordered to continue aerial bombing of Gaza, Israeli and international media reported that the army had mobilized its troops to the limit with this Palestinian territory, raising fears of a mbadive new offensive and a land invasion in the Gaza Strip, similar to those of 2009 and 2014.

Meanwhile in Gaza, meanwhile, the likelihood of an increase in Israeli bombings and a mbadive offensive has just begun in Ramadan, the holy month of Islam.

Until now, Hamas has recognized the death of one of its members, Al Jordari, and Islamic Jihad, the second largest militia in the Gaza Strip, has announced the death of two of its men.

That's how the streets of Gaza were.

It is unclear whether the nine other victims reported by the Gaza government are all civilians. The only known case is that of a pregnant woman and her 14-month-old baby, both of whom died yesterday.

The Israeli government rejected all responsibility and claimed that they had been killed by a Hamas rocket. However, the Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Saeb Erekat, condemned for being "killed by the Israeli occupation", according to the Europa Press news agency.

This family was about to be hit by a rocket fired by terrorists from #Gaza a #Israel. The reaction of the children is heartbreaking. The international media do not inform you. Cast the video

– News about Israel (@estadoisrael)
May 4, 2019

Erekat wrote an open letter and asked Egypt, the United Nations and the international community as a whole "Do not spare any effort to restore calm".

The Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas He also stressed the international community and its responsibility in the conflict.

"Silence with regard to crimes and violations of Israeli international law give the air to continue to commit more crimes against our Palestinian people"said the president in a statement, which also has a political conflict with Hamas for more than ten years.

Egypt had indicated that it was trying to negotiate a truce, but for now, it does not seem to have had any results.


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