Deadly marriage: at least 15 dead after the collapse of a hotel


landslide in Peru (2)

The Civil Defense Institute (Indeci) has confirmed these figures on its Twitter account and said that heavy rains in the Apurimac region caused the collapse of the Alhambra hotel in the early hours of Sunday morning.

However, the head of civil defense pointed out that "the causes of the accident are the subject of an investigation", while rescue teams continue to remove debris.

Peru landslide marriage (1)

According to the detail of the head of Indeci, Jorge Chávez, at the station RPP News There were a hundred people at the ceremony, half of whom at the time of the accident near the wall who collapsed.

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For his part, the Mayor of Abancay, Guido Chahuaylla, said that he had sent "all possible equipment" to rescue those who were stuck in the rubble.

The official Andina news agency reported that the wounded had been transferred to Abancay regional hospital, 15 of whom were released, while the others were hospitalized with a limited prognosis.


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