Dean Moore, the man who deviated 600 km with his car so that a stranger could say goodbye to his mother


Dean Moore did his best to improve the situation a bit Credit: Dean Moore

Without him, Sharleen would not have been able to say goodbye to her mother.

A driver was rerouted over 600 km so that a woman could visit her mother who was about to die.

Ron and Sharleen Gillies were traveling from Edinburgh, a city of Scotland, to their home in Cambridge, in southern England, after a small accident.

Dean Moore saw them by the side of the road and stopped to help them. Hearing that Sharleen's mother was on her death bed, he took them to Cambridge just in time to say goodbye.

"I did what anyone would have done," said Dean, 40.

He died the next day

"I do not have words to thank Dean," said Ron Gillies to the British newspaper The Gazette.

"It happened Sunday and then the next day, Monday, he died.If Dean had not helped us, we would not have arrived at the time."

"Many people receive rewards even without doing their job, but this man did not know us and it was not his job."

Dean Moore was returning home when he saw the couple's car and stopped to help them.

"They seemed to be in shock, the insurance company did not seem to pay attention," he said.

"I do not deserve so much recognition"

"Then I told them:" The car does not matter, what matters is that you can see your mother. "

"In four hours we arrived in Cambridge, just before midnight, I went to use the toilet and I went home."

"The next day, I went to work very tired."

Ron Gillies called him on the phone to thank him, but Dean badured him that it was exactly what everyone had done.

"They were in a bad situation, I just improved it a bit," Dean said.

"I do not deserve as much recognition."

"I am happy that they have a good impression of the people of this region."


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