Death of 8 babies in a hospital in England: they arrested an employee who would be responsible


A nurse from the Chester Hospital, England, was arrested for badbadination of eight babies and tried to do the same thing with six others.

Suspicions began in May 2017, when alerted the police by the high number of newborn deaths in the neonatal unit and the first investigations that were in charge of Paul Hughes, he was found that 15 babies had serious injuries.

The charge inspector revealed that it is a very complex case and that it is still going on. On the health professional, Hughes said: "He was arrested this morning because he was suspected of murdering eight babies and attempting to kill six babies. We have not set deadlines, but we are committed to drawing conclusions in this comprehensive survey as soon as possible. "

On the other hand, the director of hospital Ian Harvey, said: "Ask the police investigate this was not something we did lightly, but we had to do everything we could to understand what happened and give the answers whose families desperately need. "

Barbie Simons

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