Death of Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, former leader of the PSOE of Spain


Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, former head of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) and former vice president of the country, died Friday in a Madrid hospital after suffering a stroke (a cerebrovascular disease that affects the blood vessels that feed the blood into the brain). He was 67 years old.

"Thanks, Alfredo", said the interim Spanish president in an official tweet, Pedro Sánchez, who succeeded Rubalcaba as a socialist leader in 2014.

"Stateman and committed socialist. A lifetime dedicated to serving his country. The end of ETA and the great social advances have their signature. Thank you, Alfredo. Everyone in Spain will always be in your debt. My love for Pilar, his family and his friends, was the complete message of the head of state.

State Man and Socialist engaged. A lifetime dedicated to serving his country. The end of ETA and the great social advances are signed.
Thank you, Alfredo. All, Spain and the @PSOEwe will always be in debt with you. My love for Pilar, his family and his friends.

– Pedro Sánchez (@sanchezcastejon) May 10, 2019

Rubalcaba died Wednesday in a hospital in Majadahonda, a suburb of Madrid. Among his many roles, he was former Minister of the Interior and Education and Deputy Prime Minister, Socialist candidate in the 2011 elections, losing Mariano Rajoy of the popular party. Chemical formation, Rubalcaba was born in the Cantabria region, north of Spain.



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