Death of the eccentric Robert Mugabe, liberator and dictator of Zimbabwe


Mugabe's successor, Emmerson Mnangagwa, who came to power following the dismissal of his own followers in 2017, announced that the former president had become a "national hero"..

The Zanu-PF, party founded by Mugabe and in power since 1980, "has come together and granted him the status of national hero that he deserves so much," Mnangagwa said in a televised speech.

"Commander Mugabe was an icon of liberation, a pan-African who dedicated his life to emancipation […] of his people. Your contribution to the history of our nation and our continent will never be forgotten. May his soul rest in peace, "the president added on Twitter.

His death has provoked many reactions and provoked reactions, unanimous praise in Africa and China and veiled criticism in the West.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, whose country has close relations with Zimbabwe, praised a "liberation fighter and advocate for the cause of Africa against colonialism." ".

Robert Mugabe has his "place" […] in the annals of African history "for" his fight for the liberation of Africa and for his brave defense of the continent, "said Zambian President Edgar Lungu.

The United Kingdom, a former colonial metropolis, said Mugabe's death had caused "mixed feelings".

"Zimbabweans have suffered too much because of the autocratic role" of the controversial hierarch, added the official note.

The European Union offered its condolences and explained that it would continue its surveillance to achieve "a strengthening of the rule of law" in this impoverished African country.

China, on the other hand, put forward an "exceptional" leader who "strongly defended the sovereignty of his country" and "opposed foreign interference".

Mugabe took the reins of the former Rhodesia, after his independence, in 1980.

During his 37 – year tenure at the helm of Zimbabwe, one of the longest on the African continent, he has gone from being an independence hero and a friend of his. West to a tyrant who caused the economic collapse of his country.


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