Death penalty: China, "greatest" executor in the world – 04/10/2019


The annual report of Amnesty International on the death penalty in the world in 2018: encouraging figures: the application of the death penalty experienced "a drastic decline" on a global scale. Executions were reduced by 31% (690 cases in 2018) "the lowest figure in at least 10 years", says AI. However, some countries have walked in the opposite direction.

In some countries executions have increasedamong which are Belarus, the United States, Japan, Singapore and South Sudan. China he also stays China is the biggest executor on the planet, according to Amnesty International.

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Under the title of "The deadly secrets of China"Amnesty says that the Chinese government continues to hide to what extent the death penalty is applied in the country, despite more than four decades of requests from United Nations agencies and the international community, and despite their own promises of the Chinese authorities to achieve greater openness of the country's criminal justice system.

Amnesty International's complaint that China maintains "an almost absolute secret " on the system of the death penalty. And he uses "partial and generally unverifiable revelations to affirm progress and reject demands for more transparency".

"All statistics on the use of the death penalty in China are still clbadified in law state secrets and the authorities continue to evade answering questions about this systematic concealment of death, "he said.

According to all estimates, according to Amnesty International, the number of executions and death sentences committed and inflicted in China it remains in thousands every year, making it the country where the annual number of executions is the highest in the world.

Chinese authorities continue to impose death sentences and carry out executions a wide range of crimes They do not reach the threshold of the "most serious crimes", which must be limited to the death penalty according to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which China has signed and reiterated its intention to ratify, he added.

According to the Chinese Penal Code, There are 46 crimes punishable by death.

Other countries

Country that carried out executions in 2018

The 13 numbered countries carried out uninterrupted executions over the last five years (2014-2018).

Infographics: Clarin

Although in 2018, the death penalty has decreased worldwide, the Amnesty International report released Wednesday emphasizes that "some countries have walked in the opposite direction He cites the countries where executions have increased, including Belarus, the United States, Japan, Singapore and South Sudan.

China is the main country of execution, followed by Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and Vietnam, says Amnesty International.

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Thailand has made its first execution since 2009 and Sri Lanka has indicated its intention to resume executions after a break of more than 40 years.

The methods of execution used in 2018 were electrocution, hanging, lethal injection and firearms. But, no case of judicial death by stoning has been reported.

Extreme punishment, below

However, executions by death penalty have decreased a third worldwide in 2018.

Amnesty emphasized the advance of the global trend towards "the abolition of the most extreme form of cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment".

"Although the number of executions has increased in some places, the sharp general decline shows that the vast majority of countries are aware that the death penalty This is not the solution and this is an encouraging sign, "said Mariela Belski, Executive Director of Amnesty International Argentina.

Source: Amnesty International



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