Deaths are compounded by shipwrecks on the Danube in Hungary | Chronic


Hungarian police confirmed Tuesday that the wreck of a pbadenger boat on the Danube had claimed the lives of eleven people last Wednesday, as work continued to try to reach the sunken ship, where bodies could be found from some of the 17 occupants still missing.

Rescuers found two bodies in the sightseeing boat "Mermaid", in which 33 South Koreans and two Hungarian crew members were traveling, who overturned and sank in the Danube near the Margaret Bridge in Budapest after being hit by a cruise

It took six hours to rescue one of the two bodies found (courtesy of EFE)

One of the bodies was found by Hungarian divers inside the sunken ship, near one of the windows, and the operation of resurfacing took six hours. The other victim was found 55 kilometers south of Budapest, in the town of Kulcs, on the banks of the Danube River, the EFE news agency reported.

"The main task of those involved in the rescue operations continues to be to remove from the water the remains of the ship, in which work dozens of experienced Hungarian and foreign experts", said Tuesday the TEK specialized police unit in a statement.

It is still missing 17 people (Courtesy of: EFE)

Seven people were saved alive and seven bodies were found within hours of the sinking.

The Hungarian authorities, with the help of the South Korean, Norwegian and Austrian rescue teams, are trying to locate the 17 bodies still missing and would be inside the submerged ship at a depth of about nine meters.

Rescue operations are hampered by increased river flow, strong current, and lack of visibility, making access to the interior of the vessel very dangerous for divers.

The authorities are now waiting for the Danube level to drop so that a powerful crane can pbad under the bridges and approach the point of immersion of the boat.

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The crane should arrive in Budapest in the coming days "Clark Ádám", with a capacity of 200 tons, with which it will be possible to remove water from the wreckage of 50 tons, to which it will be necessary to add the weight of the water accumulated inside.

The captain of the cruise who struck the tourist ship is in preventive prison.


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