Deaths due to work-related accidents have dropped 73% since antiretroviral treatment started


April 28 marks the World Day for Safety and Health at Work established by the International Labor Organization (ILO). "This commemoration gives us results that confirm that we are on the right track," Tela told UAR President Mara Bettiol.

He clarified that the results "There was both a loss of claims, an increase in preventive actions and increased coverage of employers and workers."

Almost 23 years ago, when Labor law, worker coverage reaches 3,600,000 people and 344,000 employers. Currently, coverage reaches nearly 10 million workers and more than one million employers.

According to the report, "the task developed with emphasis on prevention has been continuous and growing over time", and "since 2018 alone, ART has carried out 860,000 visits to companies and formulated 1 , 9 million recommendations as part of the task of prevention counseling ".

"The result of a systematic and common work between employers, workers, state and ART, only through the improvement of the conditions of health and safety at work and the preventive measures taken, made it possible to save 10 880 lives, "said Bettiol.

The badysis pointed out that "From the beginning, the death rate has steadily decreased, reaching a cumulative fall of 73%".

On the other hand, he pointed out that "the growth and permanent update of the compensation provided last year 6 million medical practices and other benefits in kind".

"Behind these figures that seek to objectively size the added value of the labor risk management system, lives are saved, people served with quality and warmth and companies that value the service provided by the ART" , badured Bettiol.

He stressed that "the agreement between the various actors that has allowed to advance in the reform provided by the law 27.348 against litigation, is a further example of the value that the operation of the risk management system work for all ".

Indicated "This is also reflected in the results of the latest opinion survey commissioned by UART at SEL Consultores in December 2018."

In this study, the positive weight of the antiretroviral treatment service was confirmed for the seventh consecutive year, with 85% of the companies having cataloged the service thus received.

10% found it excellent, 45% very good and 30% good.

And among injured workers, 63% of respondents also badigned a positive rating, thus maintaining the level of the previous year.

Bettiol pointed out that "the latest reform of the law on occupational hazards provided two fundamental tools for reducing the number of disputes," stressing that "it is the scale that allows for measuring disability and commissions as an administrative authority prior to the start of a trial. "

"The results are clear: in the provinces that have joined the reform, the number of judgments has dropped significantly, with annual rates approaching 40%, both in 2018 and in 2019," said the executive.


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