Deceased operator who was injured in a fire in a well of Añelo


This is Daniel Torres, who was hospitalized for thirteen days in a clinic in Neuquén.

The operator who was seriously injured after a fire in a separation pool in a well of the La Rivera field in the Añelo region is dead.

This is Daniel Torres who was interned for thirteen days in a clinic in Neuquen capital after the accident that caused severe burns.

The incident occurred earlier this month in a well operated by the YPF company, on Vaca Muerta training, for reasons that are still being investigated.

At that time, the company reported that there were two operators of a tertiary company who had been injured as a result of the fire, one of them they were fired, while Torres was hospitalized in intensive care in a hospital. The health of this capital

A few days ago, the wounded youth's wife had asked for a prayer chain since Daniel died of brain, a situation that caused a general decompensation in the last hours.



The wife of the injured operator says that she "died of brains"

Vaca Muerta: a fire injured two YPF workers including one is in intensive care

Source: [19659012] Source:

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