Decent death: Vincent Lambert's body was handed over to his widow and buried


The body of French tetrapléjico Vincent Lambert, now a symbol in France of the debate over a dignified death, was handed over to his widow on Friday after the autopsy and buried Saturday, reported the French press.

The ceremony, religious, took place in the city of Longwy, in the north of the country, in the presence of all members of his family, said the channel "LCI".

The man, in a vegetative state for more than a decade, died Thursday, nine days after the medical team, cleared by justice, withdrew artificial nutrition and hydration who kept him alive.

To avoid any suspicion of a possible connivance of forensic doctors with the doctors who treated it, the autopsy was not performed this Friday in Reims, whose university hospital was the death , but at the Forensic Institute of Paris.

The autopsy is a consequence of the investigation opened by the Reims public prosecutor's office to determine the causes of death and to verify compliance with the end-of-life regulations.


His case was a source of disagreement for his family: his parents, fervent Catholics, struggled to keep his treatment, and his wife and legal guardian, Rachel Lambert, was against therapeutic cruelty.

Vincent Lambert's parents (AP / File).

The absence of living will was at the origin of this media and judicial battle in a country where euthanasia is not legal, but since 2016, it is allowed to apply a " deep and continuous sedation "to a patient in an irreversible state.

The widow of Vincent Lambert (AP / Archivo).


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