Declare the two Iranians arrested with fake passports


The two Iranians detained with false pbadports were transferred from federal police units to the federal courts of Comodoro Py. The National Directorate of Migration issued a statement last night in which it explained the reasons why it could enter the country through Ezeiza International Airport with fake Israeli pbadports.

The migration attributes it to the mistakes of the "supervisory staff" who did not follow the "protocol" planned for two years for allegedly irregular situations.

The Iranians introduced themselves to migration as Netanel Toledano and Rivka Toledano. They say that they are a wedding. The 27-year-old photographer and her 30-year-old engineer and architect, but her real names are Sajjad Naserani and Mahsoreh Sabzali.

The migrations suspended the staff members who did not let them go because the system immediately alerted them that the pbadports had been declared stolen in Jerusalem. In this context, they should have stopped them, but they let them go, claiming that they had no history or restrictions to enter Argentina.

Two days later, on March 14, Migraciones brought this charge to justice when Interpol Jerusalem warned about the situation of Iranians in our country. Since arriving in the city, the "couple" had stayed in three hotels. Finally, she was arrested Friday night in a Lavalle apart-hotel at 3,000 in Abasto.

What does the declaration of Migrations say

"Given the dissemination of two Iranians with false Israeli pbadports on Tuesday, detained by Ezeiza, the National Directorate of Migration reported that, when these two transits took place, the integrated system (SICAM) was working properly, which is used in the control of the entry and exit of the territory, such as the interpol I-24/7 system which reported any stolen / lost documents and the advanced pbadenger information system (API), which detected inconsistencies between pbadengers boarded in Spain and those who landed at Ezeiza ".

The DNM added that "however, unfortunately, surveillance personnel who had to authorize the entry of the two foreigners did not check Adequate information, especially when, more than two years ago, there is a protocol that warns staff that special attention should be paid to this type of alerts, especially when there is a problem. they concern pbadports of certain nationalities, including Israeli, because of the fraud detected with this documentation. "

Migrations explained that "95% of similar cases, which are tens of thousands, refer to a loss or theft that are corrected by a new pbadport that extends to the person who travels to the country where he or she is documented ". "Once the situation has been detected, further investigations have been pursued, particularly with Israel (because of the pbadports of this nationality, where they were recorded as "stolen"and with Spain from where they came before arriving at the international airport, "said the controller's office.

It was also explained that "after identifying Migrations, the mistake made by the two officials, they were immediately suspended its functions and an administrative summary has been drawn up to determine the corresponding responsibilities ".

"Last year," said Migraciones, "there were more than 73 million revenues and expenses of the country – between foreigners and Argentineans – through the Sicam, platform of convergence of the register of migratory aptitudes (with arrest warrants, bans of entry and exit of the country), the protocol of I24-7 alert (connected to Interpol International based in Lyon which has all global restrictions registers); the API (Advance Pbadenger Information), which consists of a list of pbadengers and crew provided by international airlines and cruise ships at the time of each flight or departure of each ship; the Migration Database, the Renaper Archive and the National Registry of Recidivism of Argentina ".


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