Dedication of the employer for just and urgent causes | Chronic


As every April 19, the faithful of San Expedito will approach tomorrow – which coincides this year with Good Friday – in different temples to venerate San Expedito, the patron saint of just and urgent causes. The big party will be held, as every year, in the sanctuary of the parish of Our Lady of Balvanera, where there will be activities throughout the day.

"San Expedito, help us follow Jesus", will be the motto of the celebration that will begin very early in the church located at Bartolomé Miter 2411. "This year coincides with Good Friday, the day we present the gift from Christ to the cross, that is why, like Saint Expedito, he embraced the cross and carried it in his hands, we also imitate it, we want to follow Christ who embraces the suffering one, "said the priest . Walter Marchetti.

According to the priest, "The parish will remain open until the 24th and there will be confessions and blessings of religious objects throughout the day, both in the temple and in the atrium." The liturgy of the Pbadion of the Christ will be presided at 15:00 by the Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, Msgr. José María Baliña, while for the 17th, the Way of the Cross is planned in the streets of the district ".

For his part, he asked the pilgrims to come toBrothers who suffer and who kiss them"and invited"make a non-perishable food offer to help so many hungry brothers"."When we share and help our brothers, we place ourselves on the side of the one who suffers and not on the one who makes them suffer. May God bless you and by Saint Expedite we meet with Jesus in this Holy Week"added the representative of the Catholic Church, who recalled that there would be mbades and celebrations in homage to the saint throughout the country.


In the past few hours, there has been a possible miracle of San Expedito in San Juan after the birth of a baby born of 26 weeks of gestation, weighing 555 grams, down to 425 grams and interned for three months. at the sanatorium, he suddenly improved his health.

In dialogue with the media, the mother of the child, Melisa, he explained: "The birth of Iker, my son, was anticipated because" the headaches and pressure increases that I had caused my baby did not develop in the belly. Every week I was studying, but on April 18, the doctor told me that we could not stay one more day in my belly and that, if I had a small chance to live, I was out of the question ".

"We made a lot of promises to the Virgin of Lourdes, Guadalupe and San Expedito, in his honor Iker bears his name, which means martyr, and we say that it is a miracle because my son was born on the 18th April and the next day is the day of San Expedito", he finished.


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