Defense: Analysis of the possibility that Brazil sends submarines to the Argentine Navy


Aguad with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Defense Minister Fernando Azevedo

In order to improve defense cooperation between the




the ministers of both countries yesterday signed a "statement of intent" in which the possibility is included that the carioca country sends submarines to the Argentine Navy to recover "the strategic maritime tool after the war." collapse of the

ARA San Juan

in november 2017. "

The nine-point document was signed yesterday as part of the first visit of

Jair Bolsonaro

in Buenos Aires, between

Oscar Aguad

and his Brazilian couple, Fernando Azevedo e Silva.

One of the most salient objectives is to strengthen the maritime defense and surveillance that Argentina lost more than a year and a half ago with the delivery of disused German submarines from Brazil.

"Deepen binational cooperation in the field of conventional submarines, including repair, maintenance and construction opportunities, and explore the possibilities of transferring IKL submarines from the Navy of Brazil to the Argentine Navy." "said the" G-spot "" of the statement in which it is stated that it "does not constitute a legally binding commitment, both in the field of application of national legislation and in the framework of international law ".

The proposal includes sending IKL submarines of German origin to points in Tandanor, as was the case for the Argentine fleet including the ARA San Juan.

The construction of a nuclear submarine

Last December,
the government studied the possibility of designing and building a nuclear submarine and put it in the water by 2025. The project envisioned the development of a compact nuclear reactor for the propulsion of nuclear power plants. a submarine and would take advantage of the structure of the Santa Fe ARA, the submersible. TR-1700 type, similar to the ARA San Juan and whose construction was abandoned 25 years ago, while it had been 70% completed.

Since the mid-90s, the frame of this submarine is in the shipyards of the industrial complex and naval Argentine (Cinar). For project progress, $ 5 million is expected to be allocated over the next three years.

The initiative, which was subsequently abandoned, gained public status in the Chamber of Deputies during a plenary session of the Defense, Science and Technology Committees, during which it was decided ask the executive to report back to him to explain the feasibility and execution of the project.

The possibility that Argentina would build a nuclear submarine, at a time when Brazil was pushing to develop its own, had surprised the armed forces.


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