"Del Caño m 'nailed the view"


The candidate for the presidency of the new MAS, Manuel Castañeira, confessed that "we had proposed to Luis Zamora and Nicolás Del Caño to make a front and to pbad in the interior", and explained that "Zamora did not not saying that he was coming alone if everyone was coming "" Del Caño m nailed me in. He did not answer me. "

"I understand that he did not answer me because there was pettiness in the background," he said. "I think it was a macho touch.We thought the left had to have a female representation," badyzed the precandidata to the president, in a dialogue with Poco Claros Methods, led by Ezequiel Orlando on Friday from 7 pm to 21h on FM La Patriada.

In addition, he said that Larreta's speech against trade unionists "is trying to build a speech in which workers lose their rights". "There is a Peronist trade union bureaucracy that is patotera and that wants all workers to be represented by it," detailed.

Asked about the abortion bill, Mr. Castañeira said that "this Congress has already said no to abortion and that the previous Congress had said no to the debate, it was a question of abortion. A political decision ". "We lost in the Senate last year, but we won as a society," he said.

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Regarding the women's movement and the case of the singer of El Otro Yo, the leader felt that "in another time, the condemnation of Cristian Aldana would not have been achieved." When conquests are obtained by social pressure, these advances are made ", expanded.


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