Delicate contributions: a repent told the maneuver with details and complicated Vidal


The exclusive investigation of the journalist Juan Amorín for The Destape demonstrated how Cambio we used the names of beneficiaries of social plans to falsify contributions to the 2017 political campaign and affiliates to the PRO. Now it has also been revealed that they used a similar modality to win the presidential elections in 2015.

The businessman and former PRO candidate in Ituzaingó Osvaldo Marasco declared that three years ago, the names of official candidates to "launder" about 40 million pesos as "private contributions" in 81 municipalities of Buenos Aires.

"100% of the contributions are truchos. The same with the dinners: they invented a" fundraising dinner "and said that they put money together, lie, no one donated.The way to launder the money was to copy the lists we sent to the electoral commission and put amounts of up to 50 thousand pesos "explained Marasco at the portal Diagonal.


He maintained that all this money was managed by the mayor of Vicente López, Jorge Macri and Diego Santilli with the governor of Buenos Aires Maria Eugenia Vidal and the campaign leader in the province, Federico Salvai.

" Jorge Macri was still behind all of this. Black string was manipulated in Av. Libertador 135 Vicente López in the complex 'Al Rio'. There they have a bunker, a parallel municipality runs and until the Vidal office " explained the former candidate.

The "money" comes bribes that were removed from the construction "of a complex in Vicente López

In this sense, he explained that the millions from mills come "bribes that were removed from the construction of this complex" and that officials "remained on the upper floors of one"

On the other hand there were also companies investing money in the countryside, "including medical laboratories." Eduardo Macchiavello Group CEO Roemmers, who has 40% the market for medicines in the country and whose most important buyer is the PAMI.

Marasco revealed that, further, the "political box" of the city of Buenos Aires has used in the campaign. "Federico Salvai, Alex Campbell and all those who are close to Vidal", he tells us, "they are are manipulated with gnocchi money from the federal capital " and" everything was managed by the minister (Edgardo) Cenzón Finally, he referred to the silence of the governor and explained that it was "the policy of "the bear", "a tactic which, according to the former candidate, They use" Marcos Peña and Durán Barba for cases like this " by which, when" something true "is revealed, the strategy is" to do the bear and not to publish anything ".


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