Dell 'Acqua will chair the ex Enarsa – THE NACION


He will maintain his position in the airlines, but this will be handled by the Director General Source: Archive

The government has announced an unexpected change in the conduct of state-owned enterprises. The President of Aerolineas Argentinas until now

Mario Dell Acqua
will be the
new director of Integración Energética Argentina Sociedad Anónima (Ieasa), the company that manages the badets of the former Enarsa, replacing Hugo Balboa.

Balboa is a trusted man of the former Minister of Energy

Juan José Aranguren
moved three weeks ago by the government.

Dell's Acqua came to

in December 2016 after crossing Intercargo. He replaced Isela Costantini and obtained a substantial reduction in requests for funds from the state.

During the first full year of management of

Mauricio Macri
the state's contribution amounted to 302 million US dollars and, in 2017, to 183 million US dollars. The average of the previous decade was US $ 678 million.

As Aerolíneas reported, the arrival of the former Intercargo was at the initiative of the new Minister of Energy,

Javier Iguacel
. The election of Dell's Acqua has had to do with its past in the management of nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, and the development of infrastructure after crossing the Techint group.

Led the company Ieasa, the company that absorbed Enarsa's badets, Dell's Acqua will be responsible for managing contracts related to the purchase of liquefied gas and diesel to power power plants.

While Dell's Acqua will remain president,
Aerolineas Argentinas will be headed by Abbott Reynal, General Manager of the flag airline

The organizational chart remains intact despite the changes: Dell's Acqua will delineate the strategic vision and Abbot will make the day-to-day decisions in the company , according to confirmed sources of airlines. "Dell's Aqua will continue to be president, which does not mean that in the future, it will not be appointed to an intermediate position, such as a CEO," they confided. at
sources of LA NACION . In practice, the general manager will be responsible for operational management.

Reynal currently performs administrative and financial tasks, negotiates purchases and maintains links with the unions.

Reynal was Chief Financial Officer of Aerolíneas, then promoted to the then vacant position, general manager. The man of confidence of Mario Quintana, deputy chief of staff, has been recognized to manage the numbers of the airline.

At the beginning of Macri's management, Reynal was responsible for developing a coordinated strategy in all public companies when the government wanted to improve state-owned enterprises so that they would join the company. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

In March 2016, he was appointed Secretary of Cabinet Office Interdepartmental Coordination and held that position until the death of Pablo Miedziak. Airlines

Then he leaves the executive power and devotes himself to the financial part of the business. Previously, he was director of the Dutch bank Rabbobank

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