Delta and relaxation of sanitary measures: PAHO warned of increase in COVID-19 in Mexico


A woman comforts her son, who is infected with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at her home as the coronavirus outbreak continues in the town of Magdalena Tequisistlan, Oaxaca state, Mexico, on August 4, 2021. Photo taken August 4, 2021 REUTERS / Jorge Luis Plata
A woman comforts her son, who is infected with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at her home as the coronavirus outbreak continues in the town of Magdalena Tequisistlan, Oaxaca state, Mexico, on August 4, 2021. Photo taken August 4, 2021 REUTERS / Jorge Luis Plata

Last week, Mexico has an average of 16,782 infections of COVID-19[femininepar jour et ce 10 août, le plus grand nombre de décès dus à la maladie a été enregistré depuis fin mars dernier. Ces chiffres ont déjà déclenché des alarmes à l’Organisation panaméricaine de la santé (SPO).

Bien que l’organisation internationale ait souligné que le augmentation constante de la transmissibilité dans le pays est due à la présence de la variante Delta (B.1.617.2), enregistré pour la première fois en Inde fin 2020, également au clair assouplissement des mesures sanitaires par la population mexicaine.

C’est ce qu’a indiqué ce mercredi en visioconférence de presse Carissa Étienne, Directeur de l’OPS :

« Au cours de la semaine dernière, plus de 1,6 million de cas de Covid-19 et plus de 19 000 décès liés à Covid ont été enregistrés dans les Amériques […] Cases and deaths continue to rise in Canada, Mexico and the United States as public health law enforcement relaxes; the Delta variant is also circulating and vaccination coverage varies depending on the country “

People cross Avenue 20 de Noviembre as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak continues in Mexico City, Mexico on August 7, 2021. REUTERS / Paola Garcia NO RESALE.  NO ARCHIVES
People cross Avenue 20 de Noviembre as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak continues in Mexico City, Mexico on August 7, 2021. REUTERS / Paola Garcia NO RESALE. NO ARCHIVES

And it is with Ecuador and Brazil, Mexico is one of the most affected from Latin America by Delta, “Although it is not more dangerous, it has a greater capacity for contagion”Etienne clarified.

In the case of central America, mentioned that cases have increased in Honduras, Belize and El Salvador, the latter of which can reach 30 percent.

As for The Caribbean the same goes for the more populated islands like Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Martinique and the Bahamas.

In this context, Carissa Etienne regretted that less than 20% of inhabitants in Latin America and the Caribbean have their complete immunization schedule (two doses, in most formulas) and that in some countries the figure is only 5%.

“More than six months after the arrival of the first doses in our region, the disparity between who can access vaccines and which is not unacceptable”

More information under development.

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