Delta variant and vaccination of doctors: what scheme is the government studying to strengthen vaccination against the coronavirus


The debate is already starting to take shape in much of the world and is forcing governments to think about a third element of the immunization schedule as a kind of back-up before the Delta variant of the coronavirus emerged, the most dangerous lineage of all.

The discussion began to creep up little by little at the Casa Rosada and at the Ministry of Health of the Nation. Although the priority today is the application of second doses to supplement the immunization schedules of the over 50s, with Minister Carla Vizzotti, many believe that the country – and the world – is -it forced to place a third dose to generate even more antibodies that prevent the advance of the Delta.

As reported by, health experts advising the government assure that it is possible that the Delta variant runs jointly in the country in mid-August or September, prompting authorities to focus on the next stage of the vaccination campaign, one that will begin after all Argentines have already received two doses.

In this scenario, and although there is still a long way to go in the difficult task of completing the current immunization schedules, some health ministry officials understand that it is necessary to apply a third dose against the coronavirus in people over 60 years old. Especially among doctors who exceed this age group.

we analyze itVizzotti repeats when asked about the possibility, and the numbers confirm it: so far Argentina received 41,833,930 doses and a good part of the contracts with Russia (5 million for component 1 and 13,000,000 for component 2) and AstraZeneca (12,358,900 million doses) remain to be honored.

In addition to these pending doses, there are contracts with Pfizer for an additional 20 million units; Modern in equal numbers; the 5.4 million doses of CanSino, some 10 million from the Indian laboratory Bharat Biotech which produces the doses of Covaxin and more than 7 million of COVAX. In other words, the country will receive between the rest of the year and the first six months of 2022 92,814,900 vaccines, which will allow Casa Rosada to have a doll to administer third doses if necessary.

The government is evaluating the application of the third doses. (Photo: Press Ministry of Development and Housing of Buenos Aires).

In Uruguay, the government announced the decision to apply a dose of Pfizer to those who received Sinovac and to Israel it was decided to apply a third serum to people over 60 years old.

Other voices with offices close to Vizzotti believe it is premature to start thinking about the third part of the diet when the priority is to inoculate the second doses as soon as possible. But the truth is that one piece of data worries the authorities: When December arrives, it will be a year since the doctors who received the first Sputnik V. Whether or not there is a need for reinforcement is something that Salud will define in the Federal Council and with its advisory committee.

In dialogue with of the most prominent infectologists advising the government have denied that the issue was discussed at meetings to analyze the health situation. This is because the discussion, for the moment, is taking place at the Ministry.

For the Government, it is a priority to complete the vaccination schedules for people over 60 years old. Credits:

The main obstacle facing Casa Rosada is the lack of second doses of the Sputnik V vaccine. In addition to Russia’s non-compliance, this country has not yet given final approval to the batch 2 component packaged in the laboratory. of Richmond. The number of people who have already passed the 90-day window between the first and second application is increasing day by day and the government is concerned about the threat of the Delta variant.

According to the latest report from the Health portfolio, they are already 46 genomic sequencing recorded in Argentina of this line, which was mainly detected in those who came to the country from abroad. Among other problems, the likely community circulation of the delta is the hidden reason why the government decided prioritize second doses in August and start there vaccination of minors with co-morbidities, an estimated population of 924 thousand young people.

In this direction, accessed information that highlights why the government starts with minors with risk factors: Almost 85% of the 281 people under 20 who died in Argentina from COVID-19 had co-morbidities.


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