Delta variant in the United States: President Joe Biden plans to impose compulsory vaccination on federal workers


US government is considering mandatory vaccination for federal workers (PHOTO: REUTERS)
US government is considering mandatory vaccination for federal workers (PHOTO: REUTERS)

President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that Vaccination against COVID-19 is “considered” mandatory for federal workers. The move could come as the Delta variant spreads in the United States and a significant number of Americans continue to refuse to be vaccinated.

After a speech at the office of the National Intelligence Director, Biden said his government was considering the measure in response to a journalist’s question.

While, The Department of Veterans Affairs became the first federal agency to make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for its workers health.

President Biden had a meeting with intelligence officials (PHOTO: REUTERS)
President Biden had a meeting with intelligence officials (PHOTO: REUTERS)

Hours before Tuesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki left open the possibility of more agencies implementing similar demands, noting that the government would continue “to look for ways to protect our workers and save more lives.”


Before high daily number of people infected with coronavirus in the United States, Due to the circulation of the new variants, the authorities of the Centers for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) they recommended that people wear masks indoors again despite being fully vaccinated, corn only for cities or regions with high transmission rates of COVID-19.

Federal health officials still believe that fully vaccinated people represent a very small amount of transmission, according to sources. Still, some could have higher levels of the virus than previously thought and potentially pass the virus on to others, they said.

That’s why the CDC reversed the trend of some masking guidelines on Tuesday, recommending that even vaccinated people resume wearing masks indoors in parts of the United States where the coronavirus is on the rise. Citing new information about the ability of the Delta variant to spread among those vaccinated, the CDC also recommended indoor masks for all teachers, staff, students and visitors to the school, regardless vaccination status.

Covid-19 patient transferred to hospital in USA EFE / Justin Lane / File
Covid-19 patient transferred to hospital in USA EFE / Justin Lane / File

Many cities had already started requiring that even fully vaccinated people wear masks in public. There are exceptions for those who eat or drink while sitting in a restaurant or bar.

Change of address

Last May, the CDC withdrew the chinstrap directive for people vaccinated in the United States, but cities like Los Angeles and Philadelphia reinstated the mandate. Community transmission and personal risk levels are two factors to consider, experts say.

COVID vaccines have been shown to be effective against the more severe versions of the disease which lead to hospitalization and death. But the experts say It is not the same for everyone and people need to consider factors such as community transmission, personal risk levels and their own risk tolerance when deciding what is in their best interest.

(With AP information)


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